Start Up: Experience and prerequisites for freezing in a large IT company

The decision to freeze a startup, up to its liquidation, can be made in a matter of days. In this article, we will try to understand in detail the prerequisites of this solution using the example of a specific case. It should be noted that the nature of a startup freeze lies in the plane of adaptation to changing conditions and is positive by default, which allows the company to develop and learn from its mistakes and success.

Startup results

In terms of performance indicators, there were basically no prerequisites for freezing a startup:

  • Product teams have consistently released tested and workable versions of their products. A total of 70 versions were released during the year;

  • Product teams have successfully released 20 versions to the client's production environment;

  • Product teams have successfully released 240 new features to the client;

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  3. 20% , 80% , , SCRUM, . , .

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