Support for PKCS # 11 tokens with GOST cryptography in Python. Part II - Objects of the Token class

imageThe previous article introduced the pyp11 module, written in C and providing support for PKCS # 11 tokens with Russian cryptography. This article will consider the Token class, which will simplify the use of the pyp11 module functionality in scripts written in Python. Note that the token class, written in TclOO and used in the cryptoarmpkcs utility, was taken as a prototype of this class :

Token class prototype
oo::class create token {
  variable libp11
  variable handle
  variable infotok
  variable pintok
  variable nodet
  constructor {handlelp11 labtoken slottoken} {
    global pass
    global yespas
    set handle $handlelp11
    set slots [pki::pkcs11::listslots $handle]
    array set infotok []
    foreach slotinfo $slots {
      set slotflags [lindex $slotinfo 2]
      if {[lsearch -exact $slotflags TOKEN_PRESENT] != -1} {
        if {[string first $labtoken [lindex $slotinfo 1]] != -1} {
          set infotok(slotlabel) [lindex $slotinfo 1]
          set infotok(slotid) [lindex $slotinfo 0]
          set infotok(slotflags) [lindex $slotinfo 2]
          set infotok(token) [lindex $slotinfo 3]
    if {[llength [array names infotok]] == 0 } {
      error "Constructor: Token not present for library   : $handle"
    set nodet [dict create pkcs11_handle $handle]
    dict set nodet pkcs11_slotid $infotok(slotid)
    set tit " PIN-   $infotok(slotlabel)"
    set xa [my read_password $tit]
    if {$xa == "no"} {
      error "   PIN   $infotok(slotlabel)"
    set pintok $pass
    set pass ""
    set rr [my login ]
    if { $rr == 0 } {
      unset pintok
      error " PIN-  $infotok(slotlabel)."
    } elseif {$rr == -1} {
      unset pintok
      error " ."
    my logout
  method infoslot {} {
    return [array get infotok]
  method listcerts {} {
    array set lcerts []
    set certsder [pki::pkcs11::listcertsder $handle $infotok(slotid)]
    foreach lc $certsder {
      array set derc $lc
      set lcerts($derc(pkcs11_label)) [list $derc(cert_der) $derc(pkcs11_id)]
      #parray derc
    return [array get lcerts]
  method read_password {tit} {
    global yespas
    global pass
    set tit_orig "$::labpas"
    if {$tit != ""} {
      set ::labpas "$tit"
    tk busy hold ".st.fr1"
    tk busy hold ".st.fr3"
    #	place .topPinPw -in .st.fr1.fr2_certs.labCert  -relx 1.0 -rely 3.0 -relwidth 3.5
    place .topPinPw -in .st.labMain  -relx 0.35 -rely 5.0 -relwidth 0.30
    set yespas ""
    focus .topPinPw.labFrPw.entryPw
    vwait yespas
    catch {tk busy forget ".st.fr1"}
    catch {tk busy forget ".st.fr3"}
    if {$tit != ""} {
      set ::labpas "$tit_orig"
    place forget .topPinPw
    return $yespas
  unexport read_password
  method rename {type ckaid newlab} {
    if {$type != "cert" && $type != "key" && $type != "all"} {
      error "Bad type for rename "
    set uu $nodet
    lappend uu "pkcs11_id"
    lappend uu $ckaid
    lappend uu "pkcs11_label"
    lappend uu $newlab
    if { [my login ] == 0 } {
      unset uu
      return 0
    pki::pkcs11::rename $type $uu
    my logout
    return 1
  method changeid {type ckaid newid} {
    if {$type != "cert" && $type != "key" && $type != "all"} {
      error "Bad type for changeid "
    set uu $nodet
    lappend uu "pkcs11_id"
    lappend uu $ckaid
    lappend uu "pkcs11_id_new"
    lappend uu $newid
    if { [my login ] == 0 } {
      unset uu
      return 0
    pki::pkcs11::rename $type $uu
    my logout
    return 1
  method delete {type ckaid} {
    if {$type != "cert" && $type != "key" && $type != "all" && $type != "obj"} {
      error "Bad type for delete"
    set uu $nodet
    lappend uu "pkcs11_id"
    lappend uu $ckaid
    my login
    ::pki::pkcs11::delete $type $uu
    my logout
    return 1
  method deleteobj {hobj} {
    set uu $nodet
    lappend uu "hobj"
    lappend uu $hobj
#tk_messageBox -title "class deleteobj" -icon info -message "hobj: $hobj\n" -detail "$uu"
    return [::pki::pkcs11::delete obj $uu ]
  method listmechs {} {
    set llmech [pki::pkcs11::listmechs $handle $infotok(slotid)]
    return $llmech
  method pubkeyinfo {cert_der_hex} {
    array set linfopk [pki::pkcs11::pubkeyinfo $cert_der_hex $nodet]
    return [array get linfopk]
  method listobjects {type} {
    if {$type != "cert" && $type != "pubkey" && $type != "privkey" && $type != "all" && $type != "data"} {
      error "Bad type for listobjects "
    set allobjs [::pki::pkcs11::listobjects $handle $infotok(slotid) $type]
    return $allobjs
  method importcert {cert_der_hex cka_label} {
    set uu $nodet
    dict set uu pkcs11_label $cka_label
    if {[catch {set pkcs11id [pki::pkcs11::importcert $cert_der_hex $uu]} res] } {
      error "Cannot import this certificate:$res"
      #          return 0
    return $pkcs11id
  method login {} {
    set wh 1
    set rl -1
    while {$wh == 1} {
      if {[catch {set rl [pki::pkcs11::login $handle $infotok(slotid) $pintok]} res]} {
        if {[string first "SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID" $res] != -1} {
          pki::pkcs11::closesession $handle
        } elseif {[string first "TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT" $res] != -1} {
          set wh 0
    if {$wh == 0} {
      return -1
    return $rl
  method logout {} {
    return [pki::pkcs11::logout $handle $infotok(slotid)]
  method keypair {typegost parkey} {
    my login
    set skey [pki::pkcs11::keypair $typegost $parkey $nodet]
    my logout
    return $skey
  method digest {typehash source} {
    return [pki::pkcs11::digest $typehash $source $nodet]
  method signkey {ckm digest hobj_priv} {
    set uu $nodet
    dict set uu hobj_privkey $hobj_priv
    my login
    set ss [pki::pkcs11::sign $ckm $digest $uu]
    my logout
    return $ss
  method signcert {ckm digest pkcs11_id} {
    set uu $nodet
    dict set uu pkcs11_id $pkcs11_id
    my login
    set ss  [pki::pkcs11::sign $ckm $digest $uu]
    my logout
    return $ss
  method verify {digest signature asn1pubkey} {
    set uu $nodet
    dict set uu pubkeyinfo $asn1pubkey
    return [pki::pkcs11::verify $digest $signature $uu]
  method tokenpresent {} {
    set slots [pki::pkcs11::listslots $handle]
    foreach slotinfo $slots {
      set slotid [lindex $slotinfo 0]
      set slotlabel [lindex $slotinfo 1]
      set slotflags [lindex $slotinfo 2]
      if {[lsearch -exact $slotflags TOKEN_PRESENT] != -1} {
        if {infotok(slotlabel) == $slotlabel && $slotid == $infotok(slotid)} {
          return 1
    return 0
  method setpin {type tpin newpin} {
    if {$type != "user" && $type != "so"} {
      return 0
    if {$type == "user"} {
      if {$tpin != $pintok} {
        return 0
    set ret [::pki::pkcs11::setpin  $handle $infotok(slotid) $type $tpin $newpin]
    if {$type == "user"} {
      if {$ret} {
        set pitok $newpin
    return $ret
  method inituserpin {sopin upin} {
    set ret [::pki::pkcs11::inituserpin $handle $infotok(slotid) $sopin $upin]
    return $ret
  method importkey {uukey} {
    set uu $nodet
    append uu " $uukey"
    my login
    if {[catch {set impkey [pki::pkcs11::importkey $uu ]} res] } {
        set impkey 0
    my logout
    return $impkey
  destructor {
    variable handle
    if {[info exists pintok]} {
      my login
    #	    ::pki::pkcs11::unloadmodule  $handle

The Token class, like any class in Python , includes a constructor, methods, and a destructor. Constructor and destructor are the same methods, only with predefined names. The constructor is named __init__, and the destructor is named __del__. Constructor and destructor declarations can be omitted. And in the Token class, we will omit the destructor declaration, but the constructor will be needed. The constructor will instantiate the Token class for a specific token with specific attributes.

I. Token class constructor

So, the constructor of the Token class looks like this:

import sys
import pyp11
class Token:
  def __init__ (self, handlelp11, slottoken, serialnum):
    flags = ''
    self.pyver = sys.version[0]
    if (self.pyver == '2'):
        print ('  python3')
# handle  PKCS#11
    self.handle = handlelp11
    self.slotid = slottoken
# = serialnum
    ret, stat = self.tokinfo()
    if (stat != ''):
        self.returncode = stat
#  ()  

The parameters of the constructor (of the __init__ method) are (in addition to the mandatory self) the handle of the token library (handlelp11), the slot number (slottoken) in which the token should be located, and the token serial number (serialnum).

To get the handle of the pkcs # 11 library, slot numbers and information about the tokens in them, you can use the following script:

import sys
import pyp11
from Token import Token
def listslots (handle):
    slots = pyp11.listslots(aa)
    i = 0
    lslots = []
    for v in slots:
        for f in v[2]:
    	    if (f == 'TOKEN_PRESENT'):
                i = 1
    i += 1
    return (lslots)
#  Linux
lib = '/usr/local/lib64/'
#lib = '/usr/local/lib64/'
#lib = '/usr/local/lib64/'
#  Windows
#       handle ( )
    aa = pyp11.loadmodule(lib)
    print('Handle  ' + lib + ': ' + aa)
    print('Except load lib: ')
    e = sys.exc_info()[1]
    e1 = e.args[0]
    print (e1)
slots = listslots(aa)
i = 0
for v in slots:
    for f in v[2]:
        if (f == 'TOKEN_PRESENT'):
    	    if (i == 0):
    	        print ('\n    \n')
    	    it = v[3]
    	    print ('slotid=' + str(v[0]))
    	    print ('\tFlags=' + str(v[2]))
    	    print ('\tLabel="' + it[0].strip() + '"')
    	    print ('\tManufacturer="' + it[1].strip() + '"')
    	    print ('\tModel="' + it[2].strip() + '"')
    	    print ('\tSerialNumber="' + it[3].strip() + '"')
    	    i = 1
    i += 1
if (i == 0):
    print ('    .     ')

If everything is clear with the library and the slot, then the question may arise with the serial number of the token - why this parameter is needed and why exactly it, but, for example, not the token label. Let's make a reservation right away that this is fundamental for retrievable tokens, when an attacker (or accidentally) replaces one token in the slot with another token. Moreover, different instances of a token can have the same labels. And finally, the token may not have been initialized yet, or the owner will reinitialize it, in particular, change the token label. In theory, even a serial number does not guarantee its identity; it is optimal to take into account all information about a token (serial number, model, manufacturer). It is the task of the constructor to store the arguments of the token in the variables of the created instance of the class:

# handle  PKCS#11
    self.handle = handlelp11
    self.slotid = slottoken
# = serialnum

The tokinfo () method defined in this class checks for the presence of the specified token in the specified slot .

The tokinfo method returns two values โ€‹โ€‹(see above in the constructor):

    ret, stat = self.tokinfo()

The first variable (ret) contains the result of the method execution, and the second (stat) contains information about how the execution of the method ended. If the second variable is empty, then the tokinfo method succeeded. If the second variable is not empty, then the method has ended with an error. The error information will be in this variable. When an error is encountered during the execution of the self.tokinfo method, the constructor writes it to the returncode variable:

    ret, stat = self.tokinfo()
    if (stat != ''):
#      returncode
        self.returncode = stat

After creating an object (class instance), you need to check the value of the returncode variable to make sure that the object for the specified token has been created:

import sys
import pyp11
from Token import Token
lib = '/usr/local/lib64/'
    aa = pyp11.loadmodule(lib)
    e = sys.exc_info()[1]
    e1 = e.args[0]
    print (e1)
sn = '9999999999999999'
slot = 110
t1 = Token(aa, slot, sn)
#  returncode
if (t1.returncode != ''):
    print (t1.returncode)
    del t1
. . .

If an error is detected while creating an object, then it is advisable to destroy this object:

del < >

II. Method architecture in the Token class

The main principle when writing methods was that exception handling was inside the methods, and information about exceptions (errors) was returned in text form. Based on this, all methods return two values: the actual execution result and information about the error. If there are no errors, then the second value is empty. We have already seen this using the tokinfo method in the constructor. And here is the code for the tokinfo method itself:

  def tokinfo(self):
    status = ''
        slots = pyp11.listslots(self.handle)
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        e1 = e.args[0]
        dd = ''
        status = e1
        return (dd, status)
    status = ''
    for v in slots:
            if (v[0] != self.slotid):
                status = " "
            self.returncode = ''
            self.flags = v[2]
            if (self.flags.count('TOKEN_PRESENT') !=0):
                tokinf = v[3]
                sn = tokinf[3].strip()
                if ( != sn):
                    status = '  =\"' + sn + '\"     \"' + + '\"'
                    dd = ''
                    return (dd, status)
                status = ''
                dd = ''
                status = "   "
                return (dd, status)
    tt = tokinf
    dd = dict(Label=tt[0].strip())
    self.infotok = dd
    return (dd, status)

A full description of the Token class can be found here.
import sys
import pyp11
class Token:
  def __init__ (self, handlelp11, slottoken, serialnum):
    flags = ''
    self.pyver = sys.version[0]
    if (self.pyver == '2'):
        print ('  python3')
# handle  PKCS#11
    self.handle = handlelp11
    self.slotid = slottoken
# = serialnum
    ret, stat = self.tokinfo()
    if (stat != ''):
        self.returncode = stat
#  ()  
  def tokinfo(self):
    status = ''
        slots = pyp11.listslots(self.handle)
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        e1 = e.args[0]
        dd = ''
        status = e1
        return (dd, status)
    status = ''
    for v in slots:
            if (v[0] != self.slotid):
                status = " "
            self.returncode = ''
            self.flags = v[2]
            if (self.flags.count('TOKEN_PRESENT') !=0):
                tokinf = v[3]
                sn = tokinf[3].strip()
                if ( != sn):
                    status = '  =\"' + sn + '\"     \"' + + '\"'
                    dd = ''
                    return (dd, status)
                status = ''
                dd = ''
                status = "   "
                return (dd, status)
    tt = tokinf
    dd = dict(Label=tt[0].strip())
    self.infotok = dd
    return (dd, status)
  def listcerts(self):
        status = ''
        lcerts = pyp11.listcerts(self.handle, self.slotid)
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        e1 = e.args[0]
        lcerts = ''
        status = e1
    return (lcerts, status)
  def listobjects(self, type1, value = '' ):
        status = ''
        if (value == ''):
    	    lobjs = pyp11.listobjects(self.handle, self.slotid, type1)
    	    lobjs = pyp11.listobjects(self.handle, self.slotid, type1, value)
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        e1 = e.args[0]
        lobjs = ''
        status = e1
    return (lobjs, status)
  def rename(self, type, pkcs11id, label):
        status = ''
        dd = dict(pkcs11_id=pkcs11id, pkcs11_label=label)
        ret = pyp11.rename(self.handle, self.slotid, type, dd)
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        e1 = e.args[0]
        ret = ''
        status = e1
    return (ret, status)
  def changeckaid(self, type, pkcs11id, pkcs11idnew):
        status = ''
        dd = dict(pkcs11_id=pkcs11id, pkcs11_id_new=pkcs11idnew)
        ret = pyp11.rename(self.handle, self.slotid, type, dd)
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        e1 = e.args[0]
        ret = ''
        status = e1
    return (ret, status)
  def login(self, userpin):
        status = ''
        bb = pyp11.login (self.handle, self.slotid, userpin)
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        e1 = e.args[0]
        bb = 0
        status = e1
    return (bb, status)
  def logout(self):
        status = ''
        bb = pyp11.logout (self.handle, self.slotid)
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        e1 = e.args[0]
        bb = 0
        status = e1
    return (bb, status)
  def keypair(self, typek, paramk, labkey):
    gost2012_512 = ['1.2.643.', '1.2.643.', '1.2.643.']
    gost2012_256 = ['1.2.643.', '1.2.643.',  '1.2.643.',  '1.2.643.', '1.2.643.', '1.2.643.', '1.2.643.', '1.2.643.', '1.2.643.']
    gost2001 = ['1.2.643.', '1.2.643.',  '1.2.643.',  '1.2.643.', '1.2.643.']
    typekey = ['g12_256', 'g12_512', 'gost2001']
    genkey = ''
    if (typek == typekey[0]):
    	gost = gost2012_256
    elif (typek == typekey[1]):
    	gost = gost2012_512
    elif (typek == typekey[2]):
    	gost = gost2001
    	status = '  '
    	return (genkey, status)
    if (gost.count(paramk) == 0) :
    	status = '  '
    	return (genkey, status)
# ,   
    	status = ''
    	genkey = pyp11.keypair(self.handle, self.slotid, typek, paramk, labkey)
    	e = sys.exc_info()[1]
    	e1 = e.args[0]
    	print (e1)
    	status = e1
    return (genkey, status)   
  def digest(self, typehash, source):
        status = ''
        digest_hex = pyp11.digest (self.handle, self.slotid, typehash, source)
    	e = sys.exc_info()[1]
    	e1 = e.args[0]
    	status = e1
    	digest_hex = ''
    return (digest_hex, status)
  def sign(self, ckmpair, digest_hex, idorhandle):
#    CKA_ID  handle  
        status = ''
        sign_hex = pyp11.sign(self.handle, self.slotid, ckmpair, digest_hex, idorhandle)
    	e = sys.exc_info()[1]
    	e1 = e.args[0]
    	status = e1
    	sign_hex = ''
    return (sign_hex, status)
  def verify(self, digest_hex, sign_hex, pubkeyinfo):
#    CKA_ID  handle  
        status = ''
        verify = pyp11.verify(self.handle, self.slotid, digest_hex, sign_hex, pubkeyinfo)
    	e = sys.exc_info()[1]
    	e1 = e.args[0]
#    status
    	verify = 0
    	status = e1
    return (verify, status)
  def inittoken(self, sopin, labtoken):
        status = ''
        dd = pyp11.inittoken (self.handle, self.slotid, sopin, labtoken)
    	e = sys.exc_info()[1]
    	e1 = e.args[0]
#    status
    	dd = 0
    	status = e1
    return (dd, status)
#  PIN-
  def inituserpin(self, sopin, userpin):
        status = ''
        dd = pyp11.inituserpin (self.handle, self.slotid, sopin, userpin)
    	e = sys.exc_info()[1]
    	e1 = e.args[0]
#    status
    	dd = 0
    	status = e1
    return (dd, status)
#  PIN-
  def changeuserpin(self, oldpin, newpin):
        status = ''
        dd = pyp11.setpin (self.handle, self.slotid, 'user', oldpin, newpin)
    	e = sys.exc_info()[1]
    	e1 = e.args[0]
#    status
    	dd = 0
    	status = e1
    self.closesession ()
    return (dd, status)
  def closesession(self):
        status = ''
        dd = pyp11.closesession (self.handle)
    	e = sys.exc_info()[1]
    	e1 = e.args[0]
#    status
    	dd = 0
    	status = e1
    return (dd, status)
  def parsecert(self, cert_der_hex):
        status = ''
        dd = pyp11.parsecert (self.handle, self.slotid, cert_der_hex)
    	e = sys.exc_info()[1]
    	e1 = e.args[0]
#    status
    	dd = ''
    	status = e1
    return (dd, status)
  def importcert(self, cert_der_hex, labcert):
        status = ''
        dd = pyp11.importcert (self.handle, self.slotid, cert_der_hex, labcert)
    	e = sys.exc_info()[1]
    	e1 = e.args[0]
#    status
    	dd = ''
    	status = e1
    return (dd, status)
  def delobject(self, hobject):
        status = ''
        hobjc = dict(hobj=hobject)
        dd = pyp11.delete(self.handle, self.slotid, 'obj', hobjc)
    	e = sys.exc_info()[1]
    	e1 = e.args[0]
#    status
    	dd = ''
    	status = e1
    return (dd, status)
  def delete(self, type, pkcs11id):
    if (type == 'obj'):
        dd = ''
        status = 'delete for type obj use nethod delobject'
        return (dd, status)
        status = ''
        idobj = dict(pkcs11_id=pkcs11id)
        dd = pyp11.delete(self.handle, self.slotid, type, idobj)
    	e = sys.exc_info()[1]
    	e1 = e.args[0]
#    status
    	dd = ''
    	status = e1
    return (dd, status)
  def listmechs(self):
        status = ''
        dd = pyp11.listmechs (self.handle, self.slotid)
    	e = sys.exc_info()[1]
    	e1 = e.args[0]
#    status
    	dd = ''
    	status = e1
    return (dd, status)


Let's consider using the functionality of the pyp11 module and similar operators using the Token class.

In the latter case, it will be necessary to create the token object as well:

< > = Token(< >, < >, < >)
if (< >.returncode != ''):
   print('   :')
   print(< >.returncode)
   del < >

Let's start by initializing the token:

    ret = pyp11.inittoken (< >, < >, <SO-PIN>, < >)
    e = sys.exc_info()[1]
    e1 = e.args[0]
    print (e1)

The similar code when using the Token class looks like this (object identifier t1):

ret, stat = t1.inittoken(<SO-PIN>, < >)
if (stat != ''):
   print('   :')

Next, we just give the correspondence between the main operators of the pyp11 module and methods of the Token class without handling exceptions and errors:

<handle> := <  pkcs11>
<slot> := <   >
<error> := <   >
<ret> := <  >
<cert_der_hex> := <  DER-  HEX->
#  PIN-
<ret> = pyp11.inituserpin (<handle>, <slot>, <SO-PIN>, <USER-PIN>)
<ret>, <error> = < >.inituserpin (<SO-PIN>, <USER-PIN>)
<ret> = pyp11.setpin (<handle>, <slot>, 'user', <USER-PIN >, <USER-PIN >)
<ret>, <error> = t1.changeuserpin (<USER-PIN >, <USER-PIN >)
<ret> = pyp11.setpin (<handle>, <slot>, 'so', <SO-PIN >, <SO-PIN >)
<ret>, <error> = t1.changesopin (<SO-PIN >, <SO-PIN >)
<ret> = pyp11.login (<handle>, <slot>, <USER-PIN>)
<ret>, <error> = t1.login (<USER-PIN>)
<ret> = pyp11.logout (<handle>, <slot>)
<ret>, <error> = t1.logout ()
<ret> = pyp11.closesession (<handle>)
<ret>, <error> = t1.closesession ()
<ret> = pyp11.listcerts (<handle>, <slot>)
<ret>, <error> = t1.listcerts ()
<ret> = pyp11.listobjects (<handle>, <slot>, <'cert' | 'pubkey' | 'privkey' | 'data' | 'all'> [, 'value'])
<ret>, <error> = t1.listobjects (<'cert' | 'pubkey' | 'privkey' | 'data' | 'all'> [, 'value'])
<ret> = pyp11.parsecert (<handle>, <slot>, <cert_der_hex>)
<ret>, <error> = t1.parsecert(<cert_der_hex>)
<ret> = pyp11.importcert (<handle>, <slot>, <cert_der_hex>, < >)
<ret>, <error> = t1.importcert(<cert_der_hex>, < >)
<ret> = pyp11.digest (<handle>, <slot>, < >, <>)
<ret>, <error> = t1.digest(< >, <>)
<ret> = pyp11.digest (<handle>, <slot>, < >, <  >, <CKA_ID | handle  >)
<ret>, <error> = t1.digest(< >, <  >, <CKA_ID | handle  >)
<ret> = pyp11.verify (<handle>, <slot>, <  >, <>, <asn1- subjectpublickeyinfo  hex>)
<ret>, <error> = t1.verify(<  >, <>, <asn1- subjectpublickeyinfo  hex>)
<ret> = pyp11.keypair (<handle>, <slot>, < >, <OID >, <CKA_LABEL>)
<ret>, <error> = t1.keypair(< >, <OID >, <CKA_LABEL>)


III. Building and installing pyp11 module with Token class

Building and installing the pyp11 module with the Token class is no different from the one described in the first part.

So, download the archive and unpack it. We go into the PythonPKCS11 folder and execute the installation command:

python3 install

After installing the module, go to the tests folder and run tests for the pyp11 module.

To test the Token class, go to the test / classtoken folder.

To connect the pyp11 module and the Token class to the scripts, just add the following operators:

import pyp11
from Token import Token

IV. Conclusion

In the near future, the third part of the article should appear, which will tell you how to add support for Russian cryptography to the PyKCS11 project .

PS I want to say thank you svyatikov for helping to test the project on the Windows platform.

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