Telecom (as we knew it) is dead

Original text Telecom (as We Knew It) Is Dead by Miguel Monforte | March 15, 2021.

From time to time, the 3GPP standards body surprises everyone with its bold steps in choosing "strange" technologies. This was the case with RCS, IMS and SIP. When they first announced the evolution of the 5G core as a cloud architecture with HTTP as the main communication protocol, it caused some surprise.

With the release of Release-15 , everything that traditional telecoms had to offer disappeared. No more special protocols to improve efficiency during periods of high traffic. No more testing for compatibility with different vendors and new protocols. The "king" of telecommunications is dead, and there will be no more: "Long live the king!" because today even a kid using node.js can build a 5G core on their laptop.

Welcome to the future.

Moving towards a cloud-based world means welcoming technology providers and gamers to a previously enigmatic and walled garden: the mobile core . Over the past 20 years, only highly qualified solution companies have had the opportunity to participate in the creation and development of the core of mobile operators. Sophisticated telecommunications protocols, stringent quality requirements, and a long-term commitment to keeping legacy systems running have made IT companies unsuitable for such tasks. There are many examples of systems that have been operating in communications networks for 10 years or more, and all since then, installing software patches and upgrading equipment is fraught with the risk of failure and was a very serious task.

In the past, the telecom industry has adopted innovation from IT vendors (some were more sophisticated than others). But this time around, the industry seems to be diving headlong into modern frameworks, microservices, and popular protocols.

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, , , . Release-15. Microsoft , . , , . , Amdocs Opennet, .

Oracle, , 5G, Microsoft? Amazon Google ( Nokia) ? , , , . ? , CI/CD, , , «zero-latency cold starts» serverless . , , telecom-as-a-service, . , .

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