Argumentum ad ignorantiam

I managed to read the translated article " 5 facts about how Microsoft privatized open source, killing JavaScript in the process ." "I managed to read it," because the article was immediately shamelessly minus (after 30 minutes it was already -12), and now the article is generally hidden in drafts.

Her main message was "Microsoft's mission is to somehow turn every JavaScript developer into a money-making Microsoft TypeScript drone" by "Microsoft has implemented the use of TypeScript in React, Angular and Node, while privatizing Github and npm . "

According to the author, this is why Microsoft bought Github, the Npm package manager (which is the package manager for NodeJS), and is also promoting its VSCode as the only code editor for TypeScript in every possible way. And although all the facts given in the article take place, the very style of presenting the material looks like a classic horror story from the field of conspiracy theory, moreover, written by a person who sincerely loves JavaScript and hates Microsoft with all his heart.

Probably, I would have passed by if I hadn't code in JavaScript myself, and I know not by hearsay the pain that debugging in an untyped language can cause a developer. But this is one of the many problems that TypeScript is designed to solve. If not for one thing but ...

Embrace, Extend, and Extinguish

, ») — , , , Microsoft, , , .


  • , , , , (embrace);
  • , (extend);
  • - , . , - (extinguish).

Microsoft :

  • (CSS, data: URI, . .)
  • Java
  • (Kerberos).
  • (AOL).
  • .
  • ( POP3, IMAP SMTP Microsoft Exchange

    Server) ..

Argumentum ad ignorantiam

You have most likely heard the saying before that it is impossible to prove the absence of something, it is required to prove the presence. In general, this is called:

(.  argumentum ad ignorantiam) — , , , , , , , , , .

… , (). argumentum ad ignorantiam , , , , .

In fact, everything is not so simple here. Proof of absence is also possible, for example, in mathematics .

In mathematics, there are a certain number of statements that begin with the words "does not exist ..." These are also proofs of absence. For example: there is no real number whose square is (-2). Or the lack of solutions to the equation.


… , : , .

.. — — . .

I do not put forward any theories or assumptions, but only voiced known facts. But after reading that article, the story about a frog is constantly spinning in my mind, which will surely boil if the water is gradually brought to a boil

So, the story about the frog is a story! It will either jump out at 25C or boil immediately if thrown into boiling water! But with people, such a rise in temperature works with a bang!

It seems to me that the author of the original article really wanted to prove his case, so any action on the part of Microsoft was pulled by the ears and considered an attack on his favorite JavaScript, and as a result he reasonably received only backlash.

But the most interesting thing about this story is that all this does not mean at all that Microsoft will not try again to implement its favorite strategy to gain an advantage over competitors. After all, "if you have paranoia, this does not mean that no one is watching you ...".

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