"Star" in the team - an advantage or a gradual decline?

In my life, many times I have met bright, capable individuals who dragged a huge piece of work on themselves, demonstrating incredible results for specialists in their profile, and clients stood in line to them.

Great salespeople, unique programmers, analysts, administrators ...  You can meet a Star in any industry . The bosses pray for them, blow away dust particles, colleagues admire or envy them fiercely. Such specialists have good salaries and personal preferences. Their leaders open a bottle of expensive cognac when such a high-class employee appears under their supervision!

“Great!”, You say, and I agree with you. However, one must always remember that a  unique specialist is not only a Gift, but also a  Time Bomb .

Why, "bomb"? I'll tell you about this in this article.


Many books have been written about the fact that the  "Stars" carry great risks  for the company. Let's remember what these risks are.

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