"Connectivity" of the code using the example of an ASCII plot generator, a utility for operations with intervals and demo on Blazor WebAssembly

Working with periods can be confusing. Imagine you have an accounting application. And you need to get the periods when the employee worked on the β€œ2 through 2” schedule before the salary indexation. In this case, it is necessary to take into account vacations, changes in work schedules, dismissals / reinstatements, transfers to other departments and other personnel activities. This information is stored in the form of orders, which have a β€œStart Date” and β€œEnd Date”, ie. you have time periods to operate on.

For example, find the intersection of all intervals:

          2              5         7         9        
          |--------------|         |---------|        
0              3    4         6    7              10  
|--------------|    |---------|    |--------------|   
     1              4    5              8             
     |--------------|    |--------------|             
          2    3                   7    8             
          |----|                   |----|


The announced utility is intended to solve such problems.

Working with periods in visual representation is much easier, so for testing (there is also a set of tests) and documentation, I made a simple generation of ASCII images, as shown above.

, ASCII y=f(x).

1. ASCII Blazor WebAssembly. y x.


GitHub, NuGet, demo Blazor WebAssembly.

. GitHub.

var arrayOfArrays = new[] {
    new[] { new Interval<int>(2,5), new Interval<int>(7, 9) },
    new[] { new Interval<int>(0,3), new Interval<int>(4, 6), 
            new Interval<int>(7, 10) },
    new[] { new Interval<int>(1,4), new Interval<int>(5, 8) },

var intervalUtil = new IntervalUtil();
var res = intervalUtil.Intersections(arrayOfArrays);
// => [2,3], [7,8]

          2              5         7         9       
          |--------------|         |---------|       
0              3    4         6    7              10 
|--------------|    |---------|    |--------------|  
     1              4    5              8            
     |--------------|    |--------------|            
          2    3                   7    8            
          |----|                   |----| 

var intervalsA = new[] { new Interval<int>(1, 5), new Interval<int>(7, 10) };
var intervalsB = new[] { new Interval<int>(0, 2), new Interval<int>(3, 5), 
                         new Interval<int>(8, 9) };

var intervalUtil = new IntervalUtil();
var res = intervalUtil.Exclude(intervalsA, intervalsB);
// => [2,3], [7,8], [9,10]

     1                   5         7              10
     |-------------------|         |--------------|
0         2    3         5              8    9
|---------|    |---------|              |----|
          2    3                   7    8    9    10
          |----|                   |----|    |----|



demo Blazor WebAssembly.

β€œ ”. /. , β€œ ”, , β€œ ” - .

: β€œ ASCII” ,

( ). β€œβ€ . . - . . - .

, :

  • ,

  • , , .

/ , .

public class DrawerProcessor {
    public void Draw(
        Func<int, int, DrawerBlock> blockDraw, 
        Action<string, bool> onBlockDraw) {

        int row = 0;
        int blockIndex = 0;

        var done = false;
        while (!done) {
            var block = blockDraw(row, blockIndex);

            switch (block.Command) {
                case DrawerCommand.Continue:
                    blockIndex = blockIndex + block.Displacement;
                case DrawerCommand.NewLine:
                    row = row + 1;
                    blockIndex = 0;
                case DrawerCommand.End:
                    done = true;

            onBlockDraw(block.Value, done);

public class DrawerBlock {
    public string Value { get; set; }
    public DrawerCommand Command { get; set; }

    //   ,
    // Value      
    //   Value         2
    public int Displacement { get; set; } = 1;

DrawerProcessor . DrawerProcessor :

  • ,

  • ,

  • .


var drawer = new DrawerProcessor();
    (row, blockIndex) => {

        if (row == 3)
            return new DrawerBlock { 
                Command = DrawerCommand.End 

        if(blockIndex == 3)
            return new DrawerBlock {
                Value = Environment.NewLine,
                Command = DrawerCommand.NewLine

        return new DrawerBlock {
            Value = $"[{row},{blockIndex}]",
            Command = DrawerCommand.Continue
    (blockStr, isEnd) => Console.Write(blockStr)


//  1.  DrawerProcessor.
//        -  
//     (   (row, blockIndex) => { .. }),
//   .

, , DrawerBlock.Displacement? - 1 , :

8         11

β€œ11” - . β€œ11” - , β€œ β€œ11”, β€œ1” - β€œ1” ”. ? β€œ11” : DrawerBlock.Displacement = 2.

: β€œ11” , (, -). ( β€œ1” - β€œ1”), .. " ". .


static class Block {
    public static DrawerBlock Continue(string val, int displacement = 1)         
        => new() {
            Command = DrawerCommand.Continue,
            Value = val,
            Displacement = displacement

    public static DrawerBlock End() =>
        new() { Command = DrawerCommand.End };

    public static DrawerBlock NewLine() =>
        new() { 
            Command = DrawerCommand.NewLine, 
            Value = Environment.NewLine 


return new DrawerBlock {
    Value = Environment.NewLine,
    Command = DrawerCommand.NewLine


return Block.NewLine();

1 ( (row, blockIndex) => { .. }). , . , / -  (row, blockIndex) => { .. } .

: 1 :



[   ][0,1][   ]
[1,0][   ][1,2]
[   ][2,1][   ]

(row, blockIndex) => { .. }.

: β€œ /” - , .. β€œ ” - . β€œ ” - .

.. , (. ), . .

. (β€œ ”, β€œ ”, β€œ ”, β€œ ”) ().

//  ""
DrawerBlock end(int row, int blockIndex) =>
    row == 3 ? Block.End() : null;

//  " "
DrawerBlock newLine(int row, int blockIndex) =>
    blockIndex == 3 ? Block.NewLine() : null;

//  "  "
DrawerBlock brick(int row, int blockIndex) => 


public class BlockDrawer {
    readonly DrawerProcessor _DrawerProcessor;
    public BlockDrawer(DrawerProcessor drawerProcessor) {
        _DrawerProcessor = drawerProcessor 
            ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(drawerProcessor));

    public void Draw(
        IReadOnlyCollection<Func<int, int, DrawerBlock>> blockDrawers, 
        Action<string, bool> onBlockDraw) {

                (row, blockIndex) => {
                    foreach (var bd in blockDrawers) {
                        var block = bd(row, blockIndex);
                        if (block != null)
                            return block;
                        new DrawerBlock { Command = DrawerCommand.End };


//  :   
var blockDrawers = new Func<int, int, DrawerBlock>[] { 

var drawer = new DrawerProcessor();
var blockDrawer = new BlockDrawer(drawer);

    (blockStr, isEnd) => Console.Write(blockStr));

, 1 - .


static void Main(string[] args) {

    DrawerBlock end(int row, int blockIndex) => ...;
    DrawerBlock newLine(int row, int blockIndex) => ...;
    DrawerBlock brick(int row, int blockIndex) => ...;

    DrawerBlock brickEmpty(int row, int blockIndex) =>
        ((row + blockIndex) % 2 == 0) ? Block.Continue($"[   ]") : null;

    var blockDrawers = new Func<int, int, DrawerBlock>[] { 
        brickEmpty, //    brick

    var drawer = new DrawerProcessor();
    var blockDrawer = new BlockDrawer(drawer);

        (blockStr, isEnd) => Console.Write(blockStr));

[   ][0,1][   ]
[1,0][   ][1,2]
[   ][2,1][   ]
//  2.  DrawerProcessor.
//       .
//    main -   ,
//         .

: β€œ ”. . . , . , - .

2 Main. Main. . .

public interface IContextDrawerBlock<TDrawerContext> {
    int Priority { get; }
    DrawerBlock Draw(int row, int blockIndex, TDrawerContext context);

context, . , - context.RowCount:

class EndDrawer : IContextDrawerBlock<SampleDrawContext> {
    public int Priority => 10;
    public DrawerBlock Draw(int row, int blockIndex,
        SampleDrawContext context) 
        => row == context.RowCount ? Block.End() : null;

, :

public class ContextBlockDrawer<TDrawerContext> {
    readonly IReadOnlyCollection<IContextDrawerBlock<TDrawerContext>> _BlockDrawers;
    readonly BlockDrawer _Drawer;

    public ContextBlockDrawer(
        BlockDrawer drawer, 
        IReadOnlyCollection<IContextDrawerBlock<TDrawerContext>> blockDrawers) {

        _Drawer = drawer ?? throw ...

        _BlockDrawers = blockDrawers?.Any() == true
            ? blockDrawers.OrderBy(bd => bd.Priority).ToArray()
            : throw ...

    public void Draw(TDrawerContext drawerContext,
        Action<string, bool> onBlockDraw) {

        var drawers = _BlockDrawers.Select(bd => {
            DrawerBlock draw(int row, int blockIndex) => 
                bd.Draw(row, blockIndex, drawerContext);

            return (Func<int, int, DrawerBlock>)draw;

        _Drawer.Draw(drawers, onBlockDraw);


//  ContextBlockDrawer

var drawer = new DrawerProcessor();
var blockDrawer = new BlockDrawer(drawer);

var blockDrawers = new IContextDrawerBlock<SampleDrawContext>[] {
    new EndDrawer(),
    new EndLineDrawer(),
    new BrickEmptyDrawer(),
    new BrickDrawer(),

var ctxBlockDrawer = new ContextBlockDrawer<SampleDrawContext>(

//  ContextBlockDrawer

    new SampleDrawContext {
        RowCount = 3,
        BlockCount = 3
    (blockStr, isEnd) => Console.Write(blockStr));

//  3.  ContextBlockDrawer.
//       .
//   .
//       ,
//      -    Priority.

: Priority, Priority . β€œ ”. .. ( ).


ContextBlockDrawer 3. ContextBlockDrawer () BlockDrawer . BlockDrawer, , () DrawerProcessor, .


ContextBlockDrawer -> ( )-> BlockDrawer -> -> DrawerProcessor.


3 ContextBlockDrawer β€œ ”. ( ) : β€œ ”:

- , ( - )

- , .

: , , β€œ ”:

// (   )
var ctxBlockDrawer = new ContextBlockDrawer();
ctxBlockDrawer.BlockDrawer = blockDrawer;

// (   )
public class ContextBlockDrawer<TDrawerContext> {
    public void Draw(TDrawerContext drawerContext, 
        Action<string, bool> onBlockDraw) {            
        var blockDrawer = ServiceLocator.Get<BlockDrawer>();


BlockDrawer (), ContextBlockDrawer BlockDrawer ( ):

public class ContextBlockDrawer<TDrawerContext> {
    readonly IReadOnlyCollection<IContextDrawerBlock<TDrawerContext>>  _BlockDrawers;
    readonly BlockDrawer _Drawer;

    public ContextBlockDrawer(
        IReadOnlyCollection<IContextDrawerBlock<TDrawerContext>> blockDrawers) {

        var drawer = new DrawerProcessor();
        _Drawer = new BlockDrawer(drawer);

ContextBlockDrawer BlockDrawer : ContextBlockDrawer BlockDrawer, BlockDrawer. BlockDrawer( DrawerProcessor). .. , .

ASCII , - .

y x ContextBlockDrawer , :

public interface IContextDrawerBlock<TDrawerContext> {
    int Priority { get; }
    DrawerBlock Draw(int row, int blockIndex, TDrawerContext context);

Draw row blockIndex. . y :

public interface IartesianDrawerBlock<TDrawerContext> {
    int Priority { get; }
    DrawerBlock Draw(float x, float y, TDrawerContext context);

, :

class LineDrawer : IartesianDrawerBlock<artesianDrawerContext> {
    public int Priority => 40;

    public DrawerBlock Draw(float x, float y,
        artesianDrawerContext context) {

        var y1 = x; //   y=x
        //   y1    y
        // (c  )
        if (Math.Abs(y1 -y) <= context.Rounding)
            return Block.Continue("#");
        return null;

IartesianDrawerBlock ContextBlockDrawer. , β€œDraw(int row, int blockIndex, TDrawerContext context)” β€œDrawerBlock Draw(float x, float y, TDrawerContext context)”:

public class artesianDrawerAdapter<TDrawerContext> : 
    where TDrawerContext : IartesianDrawerAdapterContext {

    readonly IartesianDrawerBlock<TDrawerContext> _cartesianDrawer;
    public artesianDrawerAdapter(
    		IartesianDrawerBlock<TDrawerContext> cartesianDrawer) {

        _cartesianDrawer = cartesianDrawer ?? throw ...
    public int Priority => _cartesianDrawer.Priority;

    public DrawerBlock Draw(int row, int blockIndex, TDrawerContext context) {

        float x = blockIndex / context.Scale + context.XMin;
        float y = context.YMax - row / context.Scale;
        return _cartesianDrawer.Draw(x, y, context);

public interface IartesianDrawerAdapterContext {
    public float Scale { get; }
    public float XMin { get; }
    public float YMax { get; }

artesianDrawerAdapter - :

//  ctxBlockDrawer    

var drawer = new DrawerProcessor();
var blockDrawer = new BlockDrawer(drawer);

var blockDrawers = new IartesianDrawerBlock<artesianDrawerContext>[] {
        new EndDrawer(),
        new EndLineDrawer(),
        new LineDrawer(),
        new EmptyDrawer()
    .Select(dd => 
        new artesianDrawerAdapter<artesianDrawerContext>(dd))

var ctxBlockDrawer = new ContextBlockDrawer<artesianDrawerContext>(

//  ctxBlockDrawer

ctxBlockDrawer.Draw(new artesianDrawerContext {
    XMin = -2,
    XMax = 30,
    YMin = -2,
    YMax = 8,
    Scale = 5,
    Rounding = 0.1F
(blockStr, isEnd) => Console.Write(blockStr));

: IContextDrawerBlock IartesianDrawerBlock β€œβ€ - artesianDrawerAdapter.



var ctxBlockDrawer = ...

var asciiDrawer = 
    new AsciiDrawer<artesianDrawerContext>(ctxBlockDrawer);


    .OnBlockDraw((blockStr, isEnd) => Console.Write(blockStr))
    .Draw(new artesianDrawerContext {
        XMin = -2,
        XMax = 30,

//  4.    AsciiDrawer.


public class AsciiDrawer<TDrawerContext> {
    readonly ContextBlockDrawer<TDrawerContext> _ContextBlockDrawer;
    readonly Action<string, bool> _onBlockDraw;
    public AsciiDrawer(
        ContextBlockDrawer<TDrawerContext> contextBlockDrawer, 
        Action<string, bool> onBlockDraw = null) {

        _ContextBlockDrawer = contextBlockDrawer ?? throw ...
        _onBlockDraw = onBlockDraw;

    public AsciiDrawer<TDrawerContext> OnBlockDraw(
        Action<string, bool> onBlockDraw) {

        //  this (return this)   
        return new AsciiDrawer<TDrawerContext>(

    public void Draw(TDrawerContext context) {
        if (_onBlockDraw == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Use .OnBlockDraw to set up draw output");

        _ContextBlockDrawer.Draw(context, _onBlockDraw);

: AsciiDrawer β€œβ€ - , . OnBlockDraw ( this). β€œβ€ .


4 , β€œβ€, IoC . AsciiDrawer.

The painter's ASCII objects do not store states, they are also β€œimmutable”, which means you can safely use the same instances in different places. Including our objects can be registered in the IoC container as SingleInstance.

As a result, in the Blazor WebAssembly demo on click on the Run button, the following code:

var res = new StringBuilder();

    .OnBlockDraw((blockStr, isEnd) => {
        if (isEnd)
            //  UI
            Res = res.ToString();
    .Draw(new FuncsDrawerContext {

        Rounding = Rounding,
        Scale = Scale,
        XMin = Xmin,
        XMax = Xmax,
        YMin = Ymin,
        YMax = Ymax,

        //   y  x
        Functions = funcs

The demo uses the following blocks:

new EndDrawer(),
new EndLineDrawer(),
new FuncsDrawer(), //     
new XAxisDrawer(), //   X
new YAxisDrawer(), //   Y
new EmptyDrawer()

You can also think of:

  • a block that paints the area under the graph,

  • a block that displays a scale on the axes,

  • block that signs the intersection points of the graphs.


As you can see, even a school problem can be seriously confused - the main thing is to know the principles and patterns.

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