Welcome to ZeroNights 2021

This summer, ZeroNights, an international conference dedicated to the practical aspects of information security, will be held for the tenth anniversary time. But only in 2021, the idea hidden in the name ZeroNights will be executed so accurately for the first time: white nights, summer, St. Petersburg and only “Hackers in the area”.

ZERONIGHTS 2021, where and when?

Location: Russia, St. Petersburg, Kozhevennaya line, 40, "Sevkabel Port"

Date: June 30, 2021, from morning until late at night.


Already open! Welkam .

We will run three tracks in the areas of Offensive, Defensive and web security. We are waiting for your reports until May 15, 2021.


Already available on the conference website: zeronights.ru

Until March 31, the promotional code EARLYBIRD gives a 20% discount.

More about the conference


, — , ZeroNights . — - 2018-, «-» 2019-, ZeroNights 2021…?

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­ ­ ­, ­­ ­­ ­ ­ ­ .

­ ­ ­ ­ ­­ ­ ­ ­ «­». ­­ ­ Defensive Track Web Village, ­ Hardware Zone ­ ­ open-air ­ ­. ­ ­ ­ ­ .



­­ ­ ­­­ ­: 15, 30 45 . ­­ ­ ‑­­.

­­ ­ ­­­ ­, ­ ­­ 45-­ ­­ Offensive Security, ­­ ­ ($1000).

ZeroNights 2021.

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