JPA Buddy: Smart Assistant is half the job

From the translator: This is an article by my colleague @ aleksey-stukalov that we posted on the JPA Buddy blog a couple of months ago. Since then, we have released JPA Buddy 2.0 , but everything said in this article has not lost its relevance.

, Hello World... - JPA Buddy! , JPA , : Hibernate, Spring Data, Liquibase .

? , JPA Buddy JPA . JPA Buddy, . , Java-,  JPA, Spring, Liquibase , , Java IDE — IntelliJ IDEA.

— CUBA Platform (, Jmix :)) — Java. CUBA — . : CUBA Studio. CUBA Studio «Entity Designer». CUBA 20 000 , , . , JPA, JPA-, DDL- .

2016 CUBA open-source . , , . : « CUBA Platform?». , JPA Buddy «!».

JPA Buddy — . , , JPA. IntelliJ IDEA, JPA , , , .

, JPA Buddy, JPA . : — Spring Boot Hibernate ORM, Spring Data JPA Flyway Liquibase . , Lombok... , .

JPA Buddy, :

  • :

  • :

  • : – ,

  • : ,

, . , Liquibase:  . Flyway: :)


  • Hibernate: @Where, @NaturalId, @Formula, . .

  • Envers Spring Data JPA

  • Kotlin

: Quarkus Micronaut, REST API CRUD-.

, , — , Twitter Discord.

, JPA Buddy. 3 : JPA Structure, JPA Palette JPA Inspector.

JPA Structure

JPA Structure . . :

  1. . . , , , . , , -, .

  2. , : , JPA-/Hibernate-, Spring Data Liquibase-.

  3. , .

  4. Liquibase .

  5. , , Persistence Units , .

JPA Palette JPA Inspector

JPA Palette , . , Buddy – . : JPA Entity, Spring Data Liquibase-. - .

JPA Inspector , JPA Palette, . JPA Palette , JPA Inspector . , ,  Liquibase-.

, . , . , , , , Buddy .


, Liquibase : JPA Buddy , Liquibase-, . , JPA Buddy Liquibase.

-, JPA Buddy Liquibase-. JPA Palette, JPA Inspector , .

-, JPA Buddy Java- (/Hibernate–) , . , :

  • , byte[]. Hibernate, Liquibase “OID”. , bytea . , Java- byte[] - bytea JPA Buddy.

  • JPA- Hibernate- Hibernate Liquibase. JPA Buddy , .

  • String - varchar, . JPA Buddy nvarchar, .

columnDefinition, , . JPA Buddy , .

, , — Liquibase-. ( ), Liquibase-:

  • : ( ) ( )

, , JPA Buddy Liquibase-.

, . , . , , . . 

: , , , , . , , MS SQL Docker Mac.

 , «» ,   Hibernate.   «»  ,     . «»,   Liquibase-.

 JPA Buddy Liquibase- , JPA   ( snapshot’ ).   H2   - Oracle, MS SQL ,    . ,   «»   , «»,     . , , â€”  ,         .

— 3 :

  • , , ,

  • , , , ,

  • , , ,

, : Liquibase .

JPA Buddy. , , JPA Buddy , . , , , , .

, JPA Buddy . JPA Buddy, :   . Twitter: , JPA Buddy . , - .

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