Running Linux from a vmdk virtual disk on real hardware and VirtualBox

There was a need to provide Linux operation both on a virtual machine (VirtualBox) and on real hardware. After a lot of searching and trying to run Linux from a virtual disk in VHD format, like Windows, which are either too complicated or not working, I came up with a fairly simple way to do it. True, not from disks in VHD format, but from a disk partition image in VMDK format.

Linux can be booted from a partition image. Now we need to make sure that we have both a disk image that VirtualBox understands and a partition image that grub can load.

The following is a description of how this can be done quickly and without unnecessary headaches.

Everything else is done from Windows.

Create a new fixed size disk in vmdk format:

VBoxManage createmedium disk --format VMDK --variant Fixed --filename test1.vmdk --size 10000

We have the files created:

  • test1.vmdk

    - disk descriptor, text file
  • test1-flat.vmdk

    - a file with a disk image

Now you need to add one more piece of 1M size to the beginning of the disk.

Create a 1M file test1-boot.vmdk:

fsutil file createnew test1-boot.vmdk 1048576

In test1.vmdk, change createType="custom"

to createType="monolithicFlat"

. This will mean that the disk consists of several files.

Add test1-boot.vmdk

in test1.vmdk

, first. After adding it test.vmdk

should look something like this:


RW 2048 FLAT "test1-boot.vmdk" 0
RW 20480000 FLAT "test1-flat.vmdk" 0

where 2048

is 2048 * 512 = 1048576 bytes (1M) for this part of the disk.

Linux, test1.vmdk

ubuntu/kubuntu/xubunu. , 18.04 ( ) 21.04, .

: 1M. .

/dev/sda, /dev/sda1. .

, , VirtualBox, , Linux .

Linux . .

( usb-) Ventoy (



menuentry 'boot linux from vmdk part' { 
    set imgfile="/mydisks/test1-flat.vmdk"
    set d_label="MYDISK"
    search --set=root --label ${d_label} 
    loopback loop0 ${imgfile}
    set root=(loop0)
    linux /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/disk/by-label/${d_label} loop=${imgfile} rw nosplash
    initrd /boot/initrd.img


  • imgfile="/mydisks/test1-flat.vmdk"

  • d_label="MYDISK"

    β€” , test1-flat.vmdk

, F6 , "boot linux from vmdk part". Linux.

OS, VirtualBox Linux .

, , Windows Linux VirtualBox, … .

It should be borne in mind that if updates affect grub, then they will not be completed correctly in a system running on real hardware, because there is no partition with a bootloader. However, this does not interfere with normal operation. And such updates can be applied through VirtualBox.

By the way, the image test1-flat.vmdk

can be copied to a Ventoy flash drive, and run from it, it also works.

And lastly. Ventoy can boot linux from vhd, but requires additional manipulations with installed Linux ( ). But, unfortunately, for me these manipulations led to the fact that the download works either on real hardware or in VirtualBox. And here and there with one image does not work.

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