.NET 5 bug history

How we encountered an unexpected bug in .NET 5, investigated the problem, and what came of it.

One fine day, it was decided to transfer a working project from .NET Core 3.1 to .NET 5. The migration turned out to be easier than it was, for example, when switching from .NET Core 2.1 to .NET Core 3 due to fewer improvements. In fact, it was just required to change TargetFramework to net5.0, update several libraries and fix a couple of places in the code that have become deprecated, so that in the future it will not be so painful to do.

, . . , , . , , HTTPS- - (401). , — . , , .NET Core 3.1, , .NET 5.

, . , HTTP Certificates, , API . , .

, - , ? curl, Python Go. .

? Windows, Linux ( , Docker). , , Docker, , , . .NET Core 3.1 , - ? , TargetFramework netcoreapp3.1, Windows, Linux.

, , ? : HttpClientFactory, HttpClientHandler , , - .

. , , , , ? , , . , .

? , : , — , — .

Query flowchart in a slightly more complex scenario

: , , , . , , . , macOS . , .

? : . — .

: .NET, ( 5.0.2), . , . , , , .

Jetbrains Rider. (External source debug). .NET, , HTTP-, .

Windows, Linux-, :

  1. Linux ;

  2. WSL 2 Docker.

SSH, IDE. , Rider - , Visual Studio, .

: SecureChannel SslStreamCertificateContext. , partial : Windows , Linux — OpenSSL. SSL- SslSessionsCache. , - , .

SSL- , HTTP- :

var assembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
	.First(x => x.FullName?.Contains("System.Net.Security") == true);
var cacheType = assembly.GetTypes().First(x => x.Name == "SslSessionsCache");
var field = cacheType.GetField("s_cachedCreds", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
if (field != null)
	var dic = (IDictionary?) field.GetValue(null);

( . - .)

, , SSL-, . : EventSource.


.NET Core 3.0, Linux EventSource — , , . :

  1. EventListener, ( , , csv-);

  2. dotnet-trace .

, csv, , :

  1. .NET Core 3.1 Windows 10

  2. .NET Core 3.1 Linux

  3. .NET 5 Windows 10

  4. .NET 5 Linux

, , , :

An example of a table with logs of a .NET 5 client on Linux
.NET 5 Linux


  • HTTP- 3.1 5.0. , managed SocketsHttpHandler (, Linux libcurl). 3.1, AppContext, ;

  • ;

  • Windows Linux, .

. , ...

, , — .NET. .NET Github, issue Pull Request.

issue , .


Issues , , , . , - SSL- Http-, , area-System.Net



issue , , , , Github Stack Overflow, , , Hello World . , , issue , issue , .. , , .

, , issue . , , :

  • : - , — , ;

  • .


API , , .


, , , nginx - . .NET, , C#, ASP.NET Core Kestrel. .

ASP.NET Core. :

  • , (, );

  • Kestrel, .

ASP.NET Core , . , - -, , , . Go, , . , :

func main() {
	caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile("ca.cer")
	if err != nil {
	caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()
	cfg := &tls.Config{
		ClientAuth: tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert,
		//ClientCAs: caCertPool,
	srv := &http.Server{
		Addr:      ":8443",
		Handler:   &handler{},
		TLSConfig: cfg,
	log.Fatal(srv.ListenAndServeTLS("certificate.cer", "private.key"))

type handler struct{}

func (h *handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {

HTTP-, . Go net/http PFX- , , . , (CA). , , . , , , .

Go . , 401, , , . :

http: TLS handshake error from tls: failed to verify client's certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

, .

— (CA) , - . , CA, , (Chain of Trust) CA, . , , . .

, . TLS- Server hello, , :

How does the TLS handshake work between client and server

- , (, , ), , .

PFX-. PFX- :

  1. ( );

  2. , . , PFX- ;

  3. , .

PFX- , , OpenSSL:

openssl pkcs12 -in certificate.pfx -clcerts -nokeys | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > certificate.cer
openssl pkcs12 -in certificate.pfx -cacerts -nokeys -chain | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > ca.cer
openssl pkcs12 -in certificate.pfx -nocerts -nodes | sed -ne '/-BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-/,/-END PRIVATE KEY-/p' > private.key

PFX- , . PFX- :

openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.pfx -in certificate.crt -certfile ca.crt -inkey privateKey.key

, Go , .NET PFX-, , . , .NET 5 X509Certificate2, .


, OpenSSL. , .. CA, . , : .

CA, , CA, CSR- (Certificate Signing Request). (extensions), . , , . , SCT , . , .

, , , :

  • .

    , ( ), — . - , .. ;

  • . ?

  • Let's Encrypt.

    , , .

Let's Encrypt.

Let's Encrypt

, Let's Encrypt :

  • , ;

  • DNS, .

NAT, , . Ubuntu 20.04, .

, Freenom. DNS IP- . , .. (, 404).

, , . , , nginx apache, — acme.sh standalone. : , CA .

Let's Encrypt PFX- .NET 5, — Go, . ! ! , !

, Microsoft. , . issue , , , , .


Tomas Weinfurt, Microsoft, , , .NET, SSL. Pull Request, , , ( , ). PR master- ( .NET 6), 5.0. 5.0.4.

. , .NET 5 SslStreamCertificateContext, issue, 3.1. SSL-, , , , , .

, , - , , , . Go , , . Go net/http , .

, / , , :

  • , ;

  • , . , , ;

  • Stack Overflow - , ;

  • , , ( , );

  • , , .

.NET , , , ( , , ). .NET 5 C# 9.0, records code generators.

, , Microsoft .NET , Github. .NET , .

, . , , , , . , - .

Thanks to @tycheg for helping with initial reproduction and debugging of the problem.

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