Dagcoin - Not Yet Another ShittyCoin or Enchanting Story of Scammers

I never thought that I would write on the topic of cryptocurrency. Well, the Habr community has a rather negative attitude to these topics. Well, it's not even the pyramid of the next DagCoin coin itself, but the caricature of the characters who promote this pyramid. No, this is not the Sultan of Brunei, and not even a person of royal blood at all, this is one of the members of the SuccessFactory MLM team, the DagCoin pyramid, a very muddy, but very enchanting personality Oleg Ivanov. All photos are taken from the public domain or provided by them. This is an incredible person in terms of a whole set of qualities who is promoting this scheme, and this will be an article with the dissection of the next pyramid! You will see how fraudulent teams brazenly deceive people, slightly modify the scheme and immediately threaten the court as soon as you say the obvious.Since the scheme operates in Russia and neighboring countries, the information will be useful to those who type in the name of the coin in Google and receive complete information. Go.



Let's first quickly go over DagCoin, who is behind it, and why it is a slightly modified pyramid scheme.

DagCoin is a modification, albeit a small one, of the Bose Ponzi scheme under the name OneCoin . Most likely, this pyramid and scam may even have caught your eye because it was called by The Times - "one of the biggest scams in history." The characters and the team are practically from there. In fact, OneCoin is not a cryptocurrency at all, but an ordinary pyramid. Miners and other infrastructure were ... well, in general, they were not. It was not listed on exchanges, and the only way to exchange OneCoin for other currencies was the internal marketplace, to which those members who paid more had access.

Everything else is a typical pyramid, levels, "training" materials and a typical gathering was like a recruiters' gathering. The teaching material was plagiarized and cost nothing. The pyramid has burst, the money is lost, nothing new. Part of the defendants on the run, one of the founders of OneCoin is awaiting trial in Manhattan, where he faces up to 20 years in prison. www.dv.ee/novosti/2017/08/01/byvshij-promouter-skandalnoj-kriptovaljutnoj-shemy-podozrevaet-chto-ona-mozhet-javljatsja-moshennicheskoj


But one of the developers and creators of OneCoin, Nils Grossberg, as well as persons affiliated with him, Kristjan Ress and Avo Väliste, who were also associated with OneCoin, decided to deploy a similar scheme to OneCoin. Niels and the team are from Estonia themselves.


Note that none of the above have indicated Estonia as their country of origin.


For example, following these links: in Estonian, english, you can find an article about the fact that people with a colorful history stand behind DagCoin and literally from the very beginning of its activity a pyramid warning was issued (3% income per week !!)

in Russian ,

in Estonian .

For example, former Onecoin Network Marketer Kari Wahlroos became Chief Network Officer at DagCoin.

As you can see, the same people run copies of pyramids like dagcoins, without any control from the regulators.

Briefly about what DagCoin is. This is not a cryptocurrency, but an imitation of it. It is not traded on any exchange. There is the so-called "home" exchange SwipeX. In fact, this is not an exchange, but an ordinary company, an analogue of an LLC in Russia, and anyone can register it in 15 minutes via the Internet, paying a small fee. That is, the course is set by the owners themselves and there is no volatility of crypto assets, which often repeat the fluctuations of Bitcoin. The rate on the home exchange is overvalued 10 times, and if you buy from other holders, then the real price will be several times less. But you wo n't be able to sell them back there .

? , DagCoin — , : () « », , . : , , - 5-8 ( , 25 000 ), - ( , , , ), 100 30-35 («» - 2019), , , 100 , 15-20 -. ?

: - , - , 100 «» , 15-25 «-», , , , , . - , « » , , . , , , , , ( ) -. ? . .

( ) . , , , 50/50 — «», , 75/25 . , 80-100 , 90 90 . -, , - 25 20 150 « », , . . , , , @ , -.

From "Cryptocurrency scam" from Estonia

You can also sell a product or service for dagcoins. Or buy a training package from the MLM pyramid Success Factory, which sells training courses in a package with dagcoins. Isn't that similar to the OneCoin scheme, which also sold training courses. And the people affiliated with Success Factory are essentially involved in involving unsuspecting people in the Ponzi scheme. It is curious that the Estonian company Success Factory is registered in the village of Maramaa near Tartu in the name of the same Nils Grossberg www.teatmik.ee/en/personlegal/14521040-Success-Factory-O%C3%9C . The firm has no turnover. But there are other branches, for example in Russia en.uniteam.top . Success Factory is active in Asia as well.

At the same time, this scheme, which recruits new applicants according to the principle of network marketing, sells to participants not cryptocurrency at all, but training packages!


That is, the DagCoin scheme is almost similar to OneCoin.

Since this scheme was originally created as a scam, I will add a few details that will show that from the very beginning it was all planned as a clone of OneCoin. For some time, payments for dagcoin were accepted through the PayGety company .

Before that, the name of the company was Endvigo osaühing, founded in 1997! and she was engaged, attention, the sale of buses and cars, metal and other trade. That is, before us the firm that was bought, renamed and started serving as a payment gateway to dagcoin. The company is registered in the name of Riina Lutsokert, a rather unusual surname in Estonia. The following companies are also registered on it: PAYGETY OÜ, PG FINANCE AS, BANKY OÜ, SHADOW PRODUCTIONS OÜ, MINDSALGORITHM OÜ. Some of them have financial services in the indication of their activities, which, however, can be seen from the name. Most of the companies are shelf companies with no activity in Estonia. As I mentioned above, this is a very unusual surname in Estonia.

After looking through open sources, it turned out that she has a husband and a son, who are also on the board of several companies related to finance. The son is also the CEO of Lutsoker Investment Group and famous sportsman on jet skis in Estonia .

The very name of Riina Lutsokert first surfaced in 2006, when she was convicted by the court of selling an aniograph to Tallinn Ida Hospital at a twice overpriced price. Riina is also a member of the Isamaa party in Tallinn, and surprise surprise, the Isamaa party audit committee . Not a bad career with an auditor.

Another notorious character who is promoting Dagcoin in Asia is Veiko Huuse, who has been involved in fraudulent schemes, such as the "rent disk space on your disk" scam ekspress.delfi.ee/artikkel/72797467/veiko- huuse-proovib-onne-puramiidskeemidega?, or history with the movement of securities of the fuel company www.logistikauudised.ee/uudised/2010/02/08/gt-tanklate-enamus-aktsiaid-tuuris-firma-vaikib?template=comments . Now he has found a new field of activity related to dagcoin.

A wonderful company has gathered!

The man sitting on the throne at the beginning of the article is Oleg Ivanov. Enchanting personality. In Russia, he sold an oil terminal for the price of an apartment using fake documents and a signature. The fact of forgery was proved by the Investigative Committee of Russia, but as often in Russia, law enforcement agencies did not see the corpus delicti in this.

, : , , . , .


As we can see, he is very cool and humble. Not really!

As such, he does not have a reputation, since a long train of scandals associated with harassment, beatings, and deception lasts behind him. Likes to rub his pens while recording another deception for his clients. On his Facebook profile, of which he has two, he is designated as either Managing Partner at Success Factory or Operating partner at Success Factory. But from the register extract it is clear that Success Factory has no turnover in Estonia. He often visits Belarus, where he continues his career as a deceiver. He sells vodka, and what else to trade for the noble don, for candy wrappers. I wonder how he pays taxes? Does dagcoin indicate its beads in value?


Let's take a closer look at the tricks he uses in his videos. You can watch the video if you want to laugh, but this does not prevent him from selling wrappers from dagcoins with the help of deception.

In this video, Oleg Ivanov admits that he offends people, and others do not like it, offends and threatens people who dare criticize him, pours out tons of lies.

1. Oleg Ivanov claims that DagCoin is used by half a million people in 190 countries of the world - a lie, there is no such number of users. The number of transactions cannot be seen anywhere and this is an unfounded statement. This has been discussed more than once on the forums, no one has seen so many users. For example, the traffic to their sites does not even come close to such a number of customers.

2. Oleg Ivanov claims that the number of DagCoin transactions has already exceeded the number of BitCoin transactions - hahaha, well, there is nothing to comment on. An absolute lie, considering that Bitcoin is liquid and has a long history against the Dagcoin wrapper. It is enough to drive “dagcoin scam” into Google and everything will immediately become clear, the search engine results will literally be teeming with links to the fact that this is essentially a pyramid and deception. However, less knowledgeable people may believe it.

3. Oleg Ivanov claims that DagCoin is about to go to stock exchanges - another lie. Not a single exchange is going to list dagcoin, and time passes, and Oleg Ivanov promises everything just about, just about.

Here are the testimonials of customers who got into the situation described above. The real name is known, the person is not an outsider in the IT world, he asked not to be called publicly

Moreover, he threatens in the spirit of the 90s and courts people who in social networks point to his deception with insults. Oleg Ivanov enters into agreements with restaurants, services on the use of dagcoin as a means of payment, taking advantage of the fact that people from other areas do not have sufficient knowledge to immediately see through the fraud. This is what people like this character use. On the fact of deliberate deception and involvement of people in the pyramid, a corresponding application will be submitted to the prosecutor's office and the US Embassy to notify the regulator about the OneCoin clone. If among the readers there are schemes affected by the Success Factory, please write to me at aleks.tavgen@gmail.com.

And as a cherry on top, I want to add that the Bank of Oman and Jordan warned against operations with dagcoin.

And most recently in November, Kaitse Politsei, the counterpart of the FSB in Estonia, warned that Dagcoin could be linked to terrorist financing and pointed to the fatwa emerging in the Islamic world from dr. Shaker Abuhatab from Jordan and alignment with Islam. The fatwa contains an introduction (problem statement), a description of the problem, a motivating part and, at the end, a command (an established rule of behavior).

The Security Police declined to comment further.

If we look at the traffic of the SwipeX exchange, we will see that the Middle East really stands out.

SimilarWeb shows an increase in traffic to the site dagcoin.org from Colombia, Palestine, Iran, on the contrary, is falling. We also see that some of the traffic comes from the United States, which will interest regulators from the United States. Especially compared to Colombia. Interestingly the DEA will be interested?

If something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it's certainly not a swan. I hope this information will be useful to the Russian-speaking part of the Internet, since Success Factory operates throughout the CIS, and the same Oleg Ivanov can promote his deception in Belarus.

UPD: I'll add some more technical details. Since this is a fork of byteball, it is possible to watch transactions as in byteball, as you correctly noted in the comments. At the moment, there are about 5 transactions per minute. Bitcoin now has over 620 million transactions in total. Let's say Dagcoin also has 620 million transactions, or even more, according to Success Factory adept Oleg Ivanov. At 5 transactions per minute, it would take over 86,111 days or over 235 years.

Nobody controls the number of participants. Nobody controls the amount of these candy wrappers in circulation. But the calculator on the website shows that the cost grows with the number of users. They changed the economy. The more they emit, the more expensive the price is. Well, it’s not a pyramid. Oleg Ivanov, for example, buys vodka in Belarus for Estonia and pays there with Dagcoins. Well, what, added a little more to the turnover.

Be careful and take care of yourself.


familiar entrepreneur contacted about me and said that he was offered 20,000 Dagcoins for 35,000 euros. The acquaintance refused. Then the price was dropped by 25,000 euros, 20,000 dagcoins for 10,000 euros. Imagine! Discount! 25,000 euros from half a turnover! Car!

And thanks for getting feedback.

This article is gaining popularity in Estonia.

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