Executable body kit. Part 2

The second article in a small series on protection used to hide the algorithm of an application. In the last article, we covered the main parts of protection and put together a test application. Here we will get acquainted with the structure of command handlers and try to debug and decode the executable file.

Description of VMProtect work

, -. :

  1. ;

  2. ;

, , .


, VMP . , .

, , VMP . .

pusha ;   
push 0 ;   
mov esi, [esp+x+var] ; esi =   VM  ,      x  var
mov ebp, esp ;   VMProtect    ,  ebp = VM "stack" 
sub esp, 0C0h
mov edi, esp ; edi =  ,     

add esi, [ebp+0]

mov al, [esi];     EIP  
movzx eax, al
sub esi, -1;   EIP  
jmp ds:VMHandlers[eax*4] ;   


, :

, , :

, , .


x64dbg, Windows ( WinDBG). , , . :

, . , , main_loop. , :

main loop. , , ESI. EIP AX . . , , . , , breakpoint, . .

, :

"breakpoints" :

, "Log Text" . , : { : }

. eax



Command Text

. , .


, โ€” 669. , , . . notepad++ :

: ^(.*?)$\s+?^(?=.*^\1$)

53 . , .

, . , main loop. ? .

, :

import pefile

pe = pefile.PE(filePath)
image = pe.get_memory_mapped_image()
baseOffset = 0xB400

#  255    
handlers = []
for i in range(255):

for h in handlers:
    md = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_32)
    for i in md.disasm(h, 0x1000):
        print("0x%x:\t%s\t%s" %(i.address, i.mnemonic, i.op_str))



โ€” . , . . .

โ€” .

"Reverse-Engineering. Basic".

ยซ . 2ยป: type confusion; .

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