Anonymous request

Safe browsers and privacy

Anonymity on the Internet has many tasks (connecting to a remote server, doing anonymous parsing), and here we will talk about the most popular one - anonymous surfing. Simply put, how to use your browser without leaving a digital footprint.

In most cases, the browser is chosen based on the convenience and speed of work, but recently the demand for security has been growing. As the number of users grows, browsers have a reputation for being protected. The most famous and demanded of them is Tor: a browser and a network that is implemented in an onion way.

Protected browsers

In March, the Tor browser launched a campaign to increase the number of users using the Snowflake extension.

Snowflake turns the user's browser into a proxy server and allows access to the Tor network from regions where it is blocked.


— Bravo IPFS. , -. , , , , - .

« IPFS — , », — Brav .

Tor Bravo , — Waterfall, Pale Moon Iriduim.

— . , , .

Tor   , (DPI - ) , .

« Tor. , , cookies», — - «» .

C Tor Brav onion- , , , .onion DNS- . , , .


VPN. , Opera, VPN-.

VPN , – , « » .

VPN Opera , , .

« VPN Opera HTTP-. -. VPN WebRTC, IP-», — « » .

Source: Opera settings
: Opera

VPN — ( -), ,

« VPN », — digital- - Kit Global .


, - , . 

« . , , , , , , », — « » .

Source: Chrome Browser
: Chrome

cookies  , , .



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2. VPN « » , , .

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 3. « » , . «» .

“Once upon a time about the incognito fashion, Google said that“ private ”does not mean“ invisible ”and it seems to me that this exhaustively describes the situation with anonymity and privacy on the Internet,” - Anton Nemkin.

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