Schrödinger's employees

In life, it often happens that the understanding of a phenomenon depends on the point of observation. Especially if this point is outside the traditional context of the existence of the phenomenon.

So, I made a mistake ... I just wanted to remind you that you already know: sometimes, in order to “see” the law of universal gravitation, you have to get an apple on the head. Or, as the quote attributed to Einstein says, the problem cannot be solved at the same level of understanding that created it.

Areas of knowledge constantly penetrate each other, sometimes enriching and creating an unexpected breakthrough, sometimes stopping development for a hundred years (for example, when politics or religion interferes with science).

However, diffusion continues. Elementary because a person does not live in a vacuum and is not exclusively engaged in work. Any life experience that is completely unrelated to work can have an impact on this very work. And vice versa, as is the case with professional deformation.

Accordingly, the broader a person's horizons and life experience, the more observation points (viewing angles, coordinate systems, conceptual apparatus) he can use for understanding and comprehension. And, it seems, this is not a completely useless exercise.

I myself was a little late in the day, but I started reading books that broaden my horizons. Fortunately for me, I once again stumbled upon Schrödinger's cat. And it seems that I understood what the respected fathers of science lacked to resolve the dispute about the conditions for the collapse of the wave function, the presence and understanding of the state of superposition, and the existence of the Moon only at the moment when you look at it.

They lacked a modern office and its staff. Somewhere, somewhere, and there, quantum mechanics from the heart and completely passes from subatomic systems to macroscopic ones.

 Shroedinger `s cat

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There is an employee, there is a boss, there is a job. And nowhere without supervision. As well as without measurements. And there is no difference between a beginner and an experienced employee.

Just an experienced one has learned to observe himself on his own. And get out of superposition when required. Well, go into it when it's Friday.

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