China's Second Long March 7A Successful

Launch of the CZ-7A.  Source:
Launch of the CZ-7A. Source:

On March 12, 2021 at 01:51:28 Beijing time (March 11 at 17:51:28 UTC), the Chinese launch vehicle Changzheng-7A (CZ-7A) with the experimental satellite Shiyan 9 was successfully launched on board. The launch took place at the Wenchang Cosmodrome.

Creation of "Changzheng-7" and development in "Changzheng-7A"

“” 2001 , 2007. “-5”, 1,5 25 . : “-5” - , “-7” - “-6” - .

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CZ-7 - , 53,1 3,35 . 595 , 13,5 , - 5,5 . .  

“-7” 25 2016, 2017 20 . , 13 . 2017 “”. 22 “-2” - .

CZ-7A , -, “-3”. 60,13 573 , 7 .

Comparison of modifications CZ-7A and CZ-7
CZ-7A CZ-7

CZ-7 CZ-3 . - , 1996 , 50 , .

“-7” 16 2020 . . , , . “” . 

“” XJY-6, . - .

CZ-7A, CAST . 30 2020 , 12 2021 . “ ” “-9”, “ ”.

CAST , “-9” 8 - . , CZ-7A, , , , XJY-6 №2.

, , XJY-6 - , , . - MOIRE. . -, .

XJY-6№2 , “-7”, .

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