Geology of the XXI century: from reality to virtuality

Earlier in the articles, we have already discussed the available data (results of ground and satellite gravity and magnetic measurements, orthophoto and satellite images, digital elevation models), theoretical approaches and processing methods (interferometry, construction of inverse geophysical models), data processing in ParaView (isosurface extraction) and Blender (high-quality visualization and animation of data prepared in ParaView) and even looked at a Python Jupyter notebook with calculations and visualization of models (including isosurface selection using the VTK library). It remains to convert the constructed geothermal isosurfaces into augmented reality model format and obtain a geothermal model in augmented reality (AR)... This model can be easily viewed directly from the browser on iOS / iPadOS or from a downloaded file on MacOS (AR support was added two to three years ago, on older devices this will need to be updated). As always, the source model is available on GitHub in the ParaView-Blender repository - as STL / PLY source files and a Blender project.

AR Model of Lachendong Geothermal Reservoir, Minahasa Peninsula, North Sulawesi, Indonesia Temperature measurements by wells are indicated by colored discs - blue 0-150 ยฐ C (far from the reservoir), white 150-250 ยฐ C (transition area near the reservoir), red 250- 350 ยฐ C (inside a geothermal reservoir).

Instead of an introduction, or why all this is needed

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Apple AR Creation Tools, Python USDZ Tools, Reality Composer XCode (: 30 ) . Reality Convertor , Python , ( ).

GitHub ParaView Blender AR ( VTK Jupyter notebook, ): ParaView-Blender "export" . Blender "Minahasa". "" Google Earth Engine (GEE), GeoJSON, TIFF, NetCDF ParaView. :

Blender GitHub โ€” AR

gITF 2.0 Blender, . , "" (Bake). AR "" (Bake) :

Blender AR โ€” ParaView-Blender

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, , . , , , . ? , โ€” , - , . , ? YouTube Perhaps, we will continue to publish AR models in parallel. Of course, there are no work sites here, all these models are made for testing technology and territories - although it is laborious, but worth it, in our opinion. More and more often, we publish on LinkedIn for open discussion - there you can discuss a model for any territory with geologists who worked in the area, ask the community for geological maps or other data, and so on.

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