ERP for owners. Philosophical. Part 1


Hello. My name is Oleg and I have been implementing enterprise management systems for over a quarter of a century.

I decided to write a series of articles based on the materials of my book "ERP for owners", which will soon appear in bookstores.

In the first article, I want to talk about the main mistake of most implementations of enterprise management systems. And this mistake is a lack of understanding of the implementation result on the part of the customer.

What is it about?

I'll start with a particular example. Imagine that you are the owner of the company. You think that you have both ERP and CRM (this erotic fantasy may arise, for example, because you have BAS ERP).

And suddenly a wonderful management initiative comes to your mind: to personally contact regular customers who have stopped buying from you: to call, identify the reason for the refusal and promptly resume cooperation.

For this, you have many options for implementation. Let me call them non-ERP options.

For example, you can ask your IT specialist to make a report. A very simple report like β€œselect a customer with the REGULAR attribute, whose sales for the last 60 days are equal to 0”.

But there is a problem. You will run this report only once - when your IT specialist will hand over the job. You will praise him, sign the act - and you will forget. The report will get lost in the jungle of built-in menus. β€œReports - Service - Additional - For guidance - Customer - Not buying”. I know what I'm talking about. My team is often commissioned for unique reports, and almost all systems have object usage logs that can be used as counters. Years later, the maximum number of launches of the report ordered by top managers was 16 times, the average was 3 times.

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Someone else's orders can be carried out through faith - faith in a leader or in a boss, or in a guru or in a consultant or in a predecessor. But this is not your way. That's why you became the owner - a) in order not to obey other people's orders b) in order not to take anything for granted.

Other ways are needed. We will talk about them in the following articles.

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