The theory of the universe, density of space, the universe as a liquid (Liquid Universe)


Space is a kind of liquid, waves in this liquid are energy, particles can be thought of as snowflakes, black holes are ice (icebergs and jellies are a transition state from water to ice), dark matter are denser regions of space, the speed of light is temperature boiling space, approximately as 100 degrees for water, after which the space changes from liquid to gaseous, and the process of condensation back into liquid. And the main thing is that all these are forms of one and the same, energy, matter and space can change and passes from one state to another.



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I will try to talk about my understanding of space as a kind of liquid using the example of water, and also explain from this point of view all the basic concepts such as gravity, time, matter and their interrelationships, as well as talk about concepts such as black matter, black holes, negative energy, a big bang and risk assuming what the universe is, what its future, past and present. There are some materials on the density of space on the Internet, but this article was written separately and is an attempt to explain the very essence of the universe, links to interesting materials are given at the end of the article, but not one of them contains this kind of thoughts and ideas, although the very concept of the density of space and its presentation as liquid or jelly is nothing new. There may be a lot of oddities and inaccuracies in the material,but it is simply impossible to write on such a topic without mistakes and imagination, so write all your questions, and I will try to answer them from the point of view of just such a theory of the universe. I will try to explain everything with examples, so that it would be clear even for schoolchildren, and you will also notice a lot of similarities with the theory of relativity, Strings or M-theory, since they all describe the same thing, our universe.

The description will not have a strict structure, it is difficult to link everything in one line, sometimes you have to jump from one concept to another, refer to descriptions of phenomena that will be described in more detail later in this article, so it is better to perceive the entire material in its entirety after reading. Please do not scold me strongly, I do not apply for scientific work.

1. Basic concepts

What is space

Let's try to imagine the universe in which we live, the whole space as a kind of liquid, like water, which is based on endless strings (threads) that can stretch or contract (change density), tie into small knots and untie back, releasing energy, in the form waves, etc. it is like an ideal canvas, infinite without resistance and mass, and so the knots on these threads will be various particles. When such a knot is formed, it is part of this space and pulls part of the space onto itself, thereby slightly compacting the space around itself, changing its properties (density).

Empty space can create or generate particles, since the filaments (strings) of space due to vibrations, i.e. the energies of the space itself can overlap each other, thus creating nodules or loops in space, i.e. various particles that can quickly disappear and give up energy in the form of waves directed in opposite directions, i.e. two particles, a particle and an antiparticle, apparently equal in properties, but negative in charge.

Particle (matter)

This is a kind of knot on the thread of space, like space itself, it is a part of it and is inextricably linked with it, the knot (particle) can move freely through space, as if slightly tightening it, so it interacts with space. Velocity, a kind of friction force, manifests itself in the form of compaction of the tissue of the particle's space and as a result of changes in its mass.

This is how particles (matter) and space are connected, in the form of gravity, that is, the denser space of the particle itself and around it.

This knot has a maximum oscillation speed, i.e. energy, he, like all space, can oscillate, it is a kind of wave moving along a closed trajectory (oscillations), and the maximum oscillation speed is equal to the speed of light (cannot exceed it), perhaps that is why a photon particle always flies out with such a maximum speed.

Different particles are a set of such nodules, which determines their properties.

When there are a lot of such particles (nodules), they create strong distortions in the very fabric of space, making it denser (tightening it) around them, perhaps it is best to imagine this in the form of a web, in the center of which there will be a particle, i.e. matter, and the web is like the space itself around it. The particle itself is such a compressed, twisted space.

For example with water, particles are snowflakes, they also consist of water (space) but have a certain shape, snowflakes can form snowballs (molecules) or clumps of larger objects such as planets, etc. Snowflakes slightly cool the water around them, as if taking away energy from it, and the space becomes denser. The snowflake can melt at any moment, becoming a liquid back, i.e. space.

Such a distortion of space, i.e., a change in its density, leads to the formation of such properties of space as gravity and time, and other effects associated with them, i.e. with the density of space.



Due to a change in the density of space, for example, by two particles, they begin to be attracted to each other, why this happens, it is easier to explain this using the example of water, denser and colder water is heavier than warm water, i.e. less dense, therefore it goes down, a similar process occurs between two particles, since there is no top or bottom in space, then areas with denser space fall on each other, i.e. are attracted in our understanding. This is gravity.

Another example, imagine that you are driving a car and one wheel falls into the water or on the side of the road, where the surface density is different, the side of the car getting into a denser environment begins to lose speed and pull the steering wheel towards itself, i.e. the car pulls in the direction of a denser surface (or if one wheel hits the ice, then this part of the car will accelerate and spin the car along its axis in the direction of the other wheel). Approximately also planets and asteroids flying past a larger body with strong gravity, one part (half) of them fall into a denser space and begin to change their direction towards the object of attraction.

For a note, it is possible that someone will say that I am not moving anywhere, or an apple hangs on a tree and does not move, but no, we all move at high speed, the earth revolves and revolves around the sun, the sun around the center of the galaxy, the galaxy also moves, etc.

Therefore, although a visual representation of gravity in the form of a ball on a stretched canvas, which is stretched under its weight and as a result of which there is a distortion of space and the attraction of objects, it is very clear and can clearly explain gravity, in reality, by analogy with the canvas, space does not bend, but changes its density.

Another example is the distortion of light passing near large objects, this can also be explained with the help of the density of space, because light in a dense medium is distorted more, take a glass lens or a bottle of transparent water, the light will also be distorted when passing through a denser medium.

By the way, recent measurements have shown that the universe is most likely flat, without the curvature of space.


Field, particle interactions, electrons and waves

I want to mention a little about the field, as an example, an ordinary electromagnetic field, I was always interested in how two magnets are attracted and repulsed, where does this interaction come from, the fact is that the “Field” is oscillations in space, ie waves in this space, with a certain frequency, so that some objects with a suitable vibration frequency can react to this field, attract or repel.

Since particles in space, nodules as I described them earlier, vibrate and are not at rest, apparently at a certain frequency or amplitude of these vibrations they can transmit these vibrations in space, while creating waves of energy, the most common are electromagnetic waves.

You know from the physics course that the electromagnetic field is described by the wave equation and is related to the speed of light.

In theory, waves in space can generate various elementary particles.

Maxwell_ Equations

Interaction of particles, it is better to compare with children jumping on a trampoline, each child is a particle, and a trampoline is space, depending on the mass of the child (particle) and the rate of his jumps (oscillations), waves will propagate through space, but at different distances (in depending on the type of wave, energy), two children jumping to the beat will be able to hold hands together and jump on this trampoline, but if their jumps are in resonance, they will not be able to jump together, and will push off.

An electron is such a universal or one can say a basic particle or a wave for the transfer of energy or interaction between other particles, when an electron is in the orbit of an atom, it is better to say that it is a wave that has a certain amplitude (orbital) depending on the vibration energy, but at This vibration is in a closed state, the wave cannot propagate further into space, but when an electron gains or loses energy, its amplitude changes abruptly, since it receives or loses energy in portions. Those. in fact, an electron is a wave or vibration from the atom itself, and under certain conditions the atom can lose, letting it go into space or gain.

The quantum physics

It is interesting that quantum physics describes interesting processes in space associated with many effects, for example: an electron behaves like a wave, and only when we try to measure it, it becomes a particle, the fact is that waves in space are energy, which at any moment , for example, when it encounters a photon or other wave, it becomes a particle, since I already wrote that particles are space itself, or an oscillation of space, but not in the form of a wave, but in a swirling form (for example, a knot), and at any moment, at certain conditions, this nodule (particle) can unfold, i.e. from a particle to go into the form of a wave, energy.

I will describe it easier, you take a long rope, for example a lasso and while standing still holding it by one edge, start spinning, 360 degrees, until there are no obstacles, you will be spinning holding one end of the rope, and the other will fly away from you, this is how waves propagate , but at some point during rotation you touch another object, for example a tree, or another person rotating the same rope, and when they collide, the ropes twist at the point of contact, like lassos pounce on each other, forming a particle in space.

(Schrödinger's wave equation)

I wonder how far such waves can travel, and whether they do not subside, I dare to suggest that with propagation in space, the wave weakens, and can completely disappear, stretch and merge with space. After all, if, upon encountering something, such a wave twists into a particle, there must probably be some limit to the propagation of such waves, or not? An interesting property of space.

Another interesting property of space is the effect of quantum entanglement, when two particles are considered bound and when the state of one changes, the state of the other changes, wherever they are in space. Probably, it is easier to imagine it as a knot but consisting of two parts, like the figure eight “8”, so two particles with opposite properties are connected, and when such a figure changes, for example: its upper part, its lower part will necessarily change its state to the opposite. An interesting moment is why a coupled pair of particles, its two parts can be carried in space over huge distances, while the connection between its two halves will not disappear, I think that this may be due to the twisting of the fabric or thread (string) of space itself by 180 degrees , i.e. by changing the property of space in another plane, here is an example,take a spring, and at any point twist it 180 degrees, no matter where and at what distance, but if you release it, it will straighten back, possibly entangled particles are connected this way. Again, I wonder how far can two such particles be separated from each other? Is it possible to place them on opposite parts of the universe and whether entanglement will remain, is space really so elastic and can instantly transmit this change of state, because we are not talking about time or the speed of light here at all. The limitation in the speed of light is imposed on the movement of a particle through space, and not on space itself, and the filaments (strings) of space can twist or rotate will straighten back, possibly so entangled particles are connected. Again, I wonder how far can two such particles be separated from each other? Is it possible to place them on opposite parts of the universe and whether entanglement will remain, is space really so elastic and can instantly transmit this change of state, because we are not talking about time or the speed of light here at all. The limitation in the speed of light is imposed on the movement of a particle in space, and not on space itself, and the filaments (strings) of space can twist or rotate will straighten back, possibly so entangled particles are connected. Again, I wonder how far can two such particles be separated from each other? Is it possible to place them on opposite parts of the universe and whether entanglement will remain, is space really so elastic and can instantly transmit this change of state, because we are not talking about time or the speed of light here at all. The limitation in the speed of light is imposed on the movement of a particle in space, and not on space itself, and the filaments (strings) of space can twist or rotate instantly.Is space really so elastic and can instantly convey this change of state, because we are not talking about time or the speed of light here at all. The limitation in the speed of light is imposed on the movement of a particle through space, and not on space itself, and the filaments (strings) of space can twist or rotate instantly.Is space really so elastic and can instantly convey this change of state, because we are not talking about time or the speed of light here at all. The limitation in the speed of light is imposed on the movement of a particle in space, and not on space itself, and the filaments (strings) of space can twist or rotate instantly.

It is interesting to conduct an experiment with two identical pairs of entangled particles, the halves of which will physically be next to or together, will it not turn out that a change in the state of one particle from the first pair will affect the other half of a particle from the second pair? After all, if two particles are connected in space, by a thread (string) of space itself, figuratively speaking, rotated 180 degrees, then can these threads meet and influence each other?

Time, speed, mass and dimensions of an object

Why does the flow of time change near objects with high gravity, based on the knowledge that time slows down near massive objects, where gravity is stronger and the statement that space is denser in areas with increased gravity, then we will explain this phenomenon using an example with water, imagine a person in and out of water, water will be an example of a denser space with strong gravity, performs the same actions, for example, running or hand movements, in water these actions will be slower and heavier, thus, the movement of all particles (waves), the most basic, such as electrons, slows down. In fact, time and gravity are properties of space.

In this case, the speed of light does not change, it is just that the light has to cover a greater distance, i.e. amount of space.

Speed, mass and size, all these properties also change due to the density of space, which changes when moving at high speed, this can be explained again with the example of water, lower your hand into the water and hold in any direction, the effort you need to apply much more than outside the water, this indicates an increase in mass.

Moving in space, matter creates a distortion in space and compresses the space beneath it, it turns out that space has a certain degree of resistance for matter, but not in the form of usual friction, but in the form of compaction of the space of the moving object itself and an increase in its mass.

And where does this extra mass come from? Apparently, it is the mass of the compressed space itself or the energy that distinguishes this area from the less dense surrounding it.

It is logical that when space is compressed, the dimensions of the object itself decrease, since space is simply compressed, although the object itself does not notice this.

And so we represent space in the form of a liquid, at the base of which threads (strings), and knots will represent particles of matter, vibrations and waves can be represented as energy and radiation itself.

To create a particle, energy or vibration of space itself is needed, any particle can disappear and merge with space, i.e. the knot on the tissue of space will straighten, and at the same time the energy contained in it will be released in the form of waves and vibrations, other particles.

So we do not violate the laws of conservation of energy, passing from one form of space to another.

Now we have just explained why particles (nodules) can form in an absolute vacuum (void), while disappearing they leave behind two oppositely charged particles moving in the opposite direction. Those. in a vacuum, a particle is formed from nothing, which then breaks up into two components, while maintaining the law of conservation of energy.

This point will be discussed in more detail later.

Those. in fact, everything in the universe is space, matter and energy are forms of one and the same thing.

All the main signs of gravity, near heavy objects, such as an increase in mass, a slowing down of time, a decrease in size, we can explain by a denser space, and this conclusion allows us to make more daring assumptions and guesses.

2. More complex concepts

Black hole

If space has density, then what is the minimum and maximum possible density, in order to understand this, let's turn to the example of a liquid, water, although its molecules are connected, are not in a rigid crystal lattice, obviously if you try to compress water, then its molecules will cease to be elastic and accept a rigid form, in the form of a crystal lattice, for example, like ice, i.e. the space will become solid. Space in super dense areas becomes solid, in such space there is no movement, which means there is no time, any matter acquires maximum mass and, as a result, contains a huge amount of energy, solid space also has no volume or size, in our usual understanding. There are no waves in such space either, waves can be in water, but not in ice, but if the light (particle photon) is a wave,then light does not propagate in solid space and cannot pass it, and matter entering such space becomes a part of it, merges. This is a black hole (and possibly a singularity), an area with maximum high mass, gravity and energy in the minimum volume, i.e. the space itself becomes different, solid.

For ease of understanding, you can think of it as Ice, or if, for example, space is guitar strings, then a black hole is when all the strings are pressed against each other so that they cannot vibrate, the space threads are so dense that there can be no knots in them ( particles) or waves.

Although black holes themselves can create gravitational waves around themselves, and possibly even collide with each other and, as a result, either merge or explode, but more on that later. A black hole is roughly like a piece of ice in water, but very dense.

It is worth noting here that the movement itself, waves and vibrations are temperature and energy, we all know that the stronger and faster molecules move in water, the higher the temperature, the same applies to space, the stronger the vibrations, the more energy. So the energy of a black hole is very large, like a compressed or twisted spring, but at the same time its temperature should be equal to absolute zero, since there are no waves and vibrations in it.

I do not exclude the possibility that information can be recorded in solid space, because in a frozen state, the tissue of space itself can freeze not in an ideal even and flat state, for example, frozen air bubbles can be found in ice, etc. but in the case of a black hole, such changes will be microscopic in size, such as the Planck magnitude.

Hawking radiation, an interesting question, the fact is that it predicts the evaporation of black holes, when two particles are formed from space on the event horizon and one of them is directed into a black hole, and the other flies away from it, but in the same process a black hole receives one half of the particle, while the event horizon loses energy, i.e. space itself, not the center of the black hole. What if this process describes not only how the black hole melts, but also how it can grow due to the energy of space itself, i.e. due to the very space surrounding her.

In fact, if a black hole is practically the same as a singularity, then we can further assume what a big bang is.


Jelly-like space

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An interesting issue is the collision of two black holes, the fact is that when solid objects collide, as I described earlier, black holes are solid space, they should most likely break and their merger is difficult to imagine, but you need to focus on the structure of a black hole, the liquid form of space those. Ordinary space does not immediately transform into a solid form, and gradually, while having an intermediate form of a kind of jelly, it is no longer liquid space and is not yet completely solid, this transitional form of space begins behind the event horizon of a black hole. At the moment when light or any object crosses the event horizon, where space already has a transitional form, a kind of jelly, which becomes more solid as it approaches the center of the black hole. Light and other particles begin to move along the event horizon,perhaps even under it in relation to the rest of the universe, since oscillations and movements are possible only in this direction, therefore, at the poles of a black hole, particles of light, energy, can still leave it, when colliding with each other, we see this phenomenon as quasars, but getting inside, the light becomes part of this space, another layer, thereby enlarging the black hole itself, and expanding its event horizon.

The properties of such a space combine the properties of a liquid and a solid state; there are no oscillations inside such a space, i.e. particles and waves cannot pass through the black hole and merge with it, become part of this jelly, perhaps some particles freeze in a compressed state, like small air bubbles in the jelly we are used to, but eventually falling to the center of the black hole, they will be crushed. Such space can still have dimensions, volume, so we observe its edge, and we can measure it, moreover, such space can vibrate, like ordinary jelly, as a result of which gravitational waves are obtained.

As we know, gravitational waves can be observed when black holes collide, but that's not all, the jelly-like space itself can oscillate, stretching and contracting along the poles, these oscillations can be recorded not only as gravitational waves, but as the curvature of the event horizon itself, i.e. ... if we could observe the collision of two black holes, following the event horizon, we could see how the event horizons of two black holes will first stretch towards each other due to mutual attraction, and then the horizon of a common black hole, after merging, will begin to oscillate like jelly ... Such a structure of black holes allows them to merge, and not break against each other; in the process of merging, space friction against each other apparently occurs, which causes some temporary expansion of the geometric dimensions,a common black hole compared to its two parent black holes.

Such fluctuations of the event horizon can be seen not only when black holes collide, but also when especially large stars fall into a black hole, I think that disturbances of the event horizon can be recorded in the form of its fluctuations, ripples on the event horizon.

With the final merger of two black holes, their centers will gradually approach, through the already common jelly-like space, a shell, and like two pieces of ice will merge together.


Light speed

Why is the speed of light, namely, its value, is so fundamental, this value (speed) is directly related to space and somehow characterizes it, this is some kind of rigid constant and everything says that it cannot be surpassed, but most likely it is not so, the speed of light can be surpassed, but only after that space will cease to exist (the particle itself too), it will be torn apart, i.e. the filaments of space itself will break, in other words, if we compare space with a liquid, it passes from a liquid state to a gaseous one. If black holes are solid space, like ice, then the gaseous state of space is also possible, when it evaporates, we represent this as the boiling temperature of water at 100 degrees, then for space this value will be equal to the speed of light, after which the bonds between the filaments of space are broken.Space cannot stay in this state for a long time and returns back to liquid, i.e. condenses or collapses. The process is very similar to boiling water with the formation of bubbles of hot steam, after which the steam condenses on a cold object, or better compare this with cavitation in a liquid.

So, if we draw an imaginary scale for the density of space, then black holes will be the origin of 0 and the speed of light will be the boiling point of space.

It is quite possible that this is exactly how during the explosion of a black hole, or singularity, there was a transition from a solid state of space to a gaseous one, after which the space tended to condense into a liquid form, i.e. in the form of space in which we live, perhaps the unevenness of the gaseous state of space, and the subsequent process of condensation, created an unevenness in density and, as a result, predetermined the structure of our universe. (this is just a guess)

It is interesting that if a particle, matter begins to gain speed, then upon reaching the speed of light, its mass and density will reach maximum values, i.e. it will turn into a black hole, the particle itself will disappear, but if it continues to move at the speed of light or even greater, it will lead to the rupture of the very fabric of space behind it.

Imagine that a particle, a snowflake, moves at the speed of light in our space in the form of water, reaching this value it ceases to be a particle, that is, a snowflake, and becomes ice, that is, a solid state of space; a kind of bubbles in water, reminiscent of the process of cavitation in water.

Big explosion

The Big Bang is a rapid expansion of dense space, so dense that it changes its properties and becomes solid space.

The expansion did not occur evenly, which resulted in an uneven density of the fabric of space, as we can see from a snapshot of the original universe, in which the uneven distribution of matter and energy is captured. (this is just one of the assumptions) The

unevenness in the density of space itself led to the formation of clusters of galaxies.

And so we see now, infinite space and many different objects with different masses, planets, stars, black holes and galaxies, all matter is connected with space, making it denser in places of accumulation of matter and vice versa, denser space attracts matter, and density space is characterized by gravity, so we come to the conclusion that empty space also has gravity if its density is higher than the density of the surrounding space.

We can make an interesting assumption, perhaps someone has already guessed ...


Dark matter

Dark matter is areas of space with increased density, the mass of dark matter exceeds the mass of all visible matter, this is the mass, or rather gravity, of space itself (its excess part in denser areas, and dark energy is the mass of the rest of space). Therefore, dark matter cannot be seen and measured directly, but can only be characterized by its properties, how it distorts light with its gravity.

But at the same time, dark matter (the area of ​​dense space) is not rigidly connected with matter, although gravity attracts them to each other, nothing prevents objects (stars, planets) from leaving the area of ​​dark matter (increased density of space).

There is a snapshot when two galaxies collide, dark matter is separated from the main visible cluster of stars and galaxies, and having a large gravitational force is attracted to each other more strongly, it is logical to assume that after a while both dark matter and ordinary matter will merge into one region.

But there is something strange and illogical here if matter contracts space creating denser regions, i.e. areas with dark matter, then how can galaxies exist separately from dark matter and why ordinary matter has less gravity than dark matter, i.e. space itself.

The answer to this is, the fact is that there is much more dense space (dark matter) than ordinary matter should have, because this dark matter, i.e. space is generated all the time, and it is generated precisely by the galaxies and stars themselves, where does it come from, and all because matter, as we have already said, is by nature space itself, but in the form of a kind of nodules and when this nodule is destroyed, i.e. when the particle disappears, it releases energy in the form of waves and part of space, i.e. creates the space itself. It is possible that there is a missing component in the formula E = mc2, and this component is a space, E = mc2 = P, where “P” is a space. We will try to calculate it a little later, and represent it in the form of a formula.

It is interesting to calculate the volume of dark matter in the early universe and at the moment.

Therefore, there is a lot of dark matter and it is fixed around galaxies, because galaxies create space. I wonder if the process can be reversed? when something consumes space.

Let's explain with a simple example.

Since the stars burn and explode, losing their mass, figuratively speaking, the space that they pulled together is freed, the space is expanded. Maybe this sounds incomprehensible, but let's return to the experiment with a stretched canvas and a ball lying on it, that if we start to slowly raise this ball so that it does not press on the canvas (reducing its mass), we will see that this canvas will begin to level out , i.e. return to its original state (unclench). Moreover, if the canvas (space) is a liquid, then it will gradually spread.


We measure space by dimensions, but in the formula E = mc2 it does not exist, so I decided to take the law of universal gravitation as a basis describing gravity, and try to calculate the change in space, when the mass of an object changes, the gravitational constant can be omitted. Suppose there are two objects with masses m1 = 10 and m2 = 10 units, the dimension is not important here, located at a distance of R = 10 units, then their gravitational attraction is F = m1 * m2 / ®2 = 10 * 10/100 = 1. Suppose that one of the objects has lost half of the mass m2 = 5, then to obtain the same gravitational force equal to 1, the distance between the objects must change, we will assume that the density of space is constant, ®2 = m1 * m2 / F = 10 * 5/1 = 50, we take the root of 50, we get 7.07 distance units. It is not difficult to calculate that, as a percentage, this is 29.3% a change in space, while the change in the total mass m1 + m2 = 20 is basic and the resulting 15,we see a change of 25% - this is a change in mass.

You can make a calculation and give a detailed table, the correspondence of the change in mass and distance, and try to draw an analogy, with the universe or with a star, maybe a galaxy that loses its mass and at the same time space expands or condenses, although I am not entirely sure of the correctness and accuracy of my calculations.


Dark Energy

Does Dark Energy Exist or Not?

The universe is expanding, and it is not Dark energy, as an unknown force, that is partly to blame for this, but the very universe of its stars and galaxies, which burn, explode and lose mass, thereby freeing up space, and space itself spreads (expands), since there is no external the force that would hinder this process, and internal gravity is not enough.

Most likely, that part of the energy of the universe that refers to Dark energy is the mass (energy) of empty space, that part of it that is not contained in matter or in dark matter, i.e. spaces between galaxies.

Both matter and dark matter, and dark energy, can exchange energy with each other, in other words, their ratio can change, while the total amount of energy in the entire universe will remain unchanged.

Matter itself transforms into the form of space, while the density of the space of matter is higher than that of empty space. How snowflakes melt, increasing the volume of water.

Imagine a bathtub with water, this is space, the universe, and add more water there, more space, the difference can only be noticed at the edges of the bath, where its level rises or expands. So the universe is expanding at the edges, moving galaxies apart from each other.

It can be assumed that the expansion rate of the universe is not a constant value and its value can change, the universe can accelerate and decelerate, at some point the expansion may change when all matter decays.

It can be assumed that the rate of expansion of the universe is uneven where there are more galaxies, the expansion should be different than where there are no or fewer of them. Those. perhaps two regions in the universe at the same distance from us are moving away at different speeds.


3. Concepts that are beyond the bounds. The future and the past, what happened before the big bang and what's next

Cyclicity of the universe

And so we can imagine our universe as liquid, water, particles and mother like snowflakes, black holes will be ice, and vapor is a gaseous state of the universe when the threads of space are not fastened between itself, attained beyond the speed of light.

That is, the universe can be represented as in a liquid state, i.e. the space in which we live, and in solid, when all space will be compressed to the maximum value, the energy of such a state will be equal to the energy of the entire universe concentrated in a small volume, it is difficult to talk about dimensions, because there will be no space in our usual understanding. There is nothing that does not prevent us from assuming that the universe will expand to enormous values ​​and all the energy will be evenly distributed over it, or rather over the very fabric of space, while there will be no matter in it. There is nothing that prevents us from imagining a gaseous universe when the fabric of space itself is torn, there is no matter or familiar space in it, the speed with which the threads (strings) of space will move or vibrate will be higher than the speed of light, that is, with tremendous energy,at the same time, such a universe will not have volume or dimensions.

All described states do not violate the law of conservation of energy, so the universe can be in any of these states at some point in time, and then move to another state.

If now the universe is mostly in a liquid state, then for it to become solid, i.e. frozen, became very dense, a large force of gravity of matter and dark matter is needed, in a relatively small space, then the whole universe will shrink, but what is needed for the universe to become gaseous, i.e. all space has evaporated, following the example of water, only two ways come to mind, either to heat it up, that is, to give a large amount of energy, observing the law of conservation of energy, the space should be relatively small, or the space should gradually evaporate somewhere around the edges, like water evaporates, taking away some of the energy from space itself. Nothing prohibits the reverse process of evaporation, this condensation, when space will pass from a gaseous state to a liquid, for example: at the edges of the universe, thereby,increasing its energy and size. And perhaps the process of condensation of the universe occurs from a gaseous state immediately into a solid?

It becomes even more interesting if you look at how ice is formed in water or icicles on the roof, gradually freezing, if the same effect is possible in space, then it is possible that black holes can absorb not only matter but also the fabric of space itself, thereby gaining mass and energy ... At the same time, ice can melt, i.e. black holes can melt, releasing their energy and freeing or creating space itself. (The effect described by Stephen Hawking)

And if black holes can swallow space itself, then this can lead us to interesting conclusions.

It can be assumed that a global rupture of the universe may occur, but at the same time some objects, such as supermassive black holes, may still exist in it at this moment, i.e. it turns out that superdense objects that are at a huge distance from each other and at some point the space between them will simply disappear, evaporate and then all the remaining objects in one instant will be close to each other, one might even say they will add up at one point, since nothing will separate them, there will be no more space between them. And what can happen to two solid pieces of ice when they instantly overlap, I think that the stability of such objects will be violated and we will heat up the ice, i.e. let us unclench the solid space enclosed in them, it is very similar to a big bang.

If the universe expands endlessly, losing matter, when the density of space falls endlessly, will not the fabric of space itself be torn? Will it evaporate, passing from a liquid to a gaseous state? To condense again later? And start the process over ...

It is difficult to explain, if the energy of the entire universe is constant, it turns out that the universe must be balanced, which means that the transition to any one state is simply impossible. It seems I am beginning to contradict myself, but the transition of the entire universe to a solid state should simply cause its explosion and subsequent transition to a gaseous state, while a gaseous state is obtained, leads to the formation of a liquid form of the universe, possibly with the presence of both solid and gaseous parts of the universe, at the same time, but if the universe becomes completely homogeneous liquid, that is, without matter, and all the energy is distributed over the very fabric of the universe, then this causes its transition to another state, possibly to a gaseous state.

It is difficult, but let me explain this with the example of water, there is our planet and water on it is in three states, in liquid, solid and in the form of snow and ice, as well as in gaseous in the form of clouds (atmosphere), so when all snow and ice will melt, then you will get such a water ball and all the liquid will be in the form of water, but at the same time the sun, as energy, will heat this water more, creating more clouds, which will lead to an increase in precipitation at the poles, and the clouds will reflect more light and will close the earth from the sun, which will lead to its cooling and even greater growth of snow or ice caps at the poles, this process will last until almost the entire earth is covered with an ice sheet, but at the same time the amount of clouds will become less and practically disappear,which will allow the sun to freely heat the earth (water), which will be in the form of an ice ball, such heating will inevitably lead to global warming and the earth will gradually melt, returning to its original state. Thus, we see that no matter how the state of the universe changes, the amount of energy in it remains constant and the state of the universe in any one form cannot be eternal, otherwise all of us probably simply were not here.

Scientifically speaking, the process of condensation of the universe from a gaseous state into a liquid one can be called the theory of inflation of the universe, this name was not invented by me, but this theory describes the process of condensation of the universe, that is, the instantaneous expansion of space.

Inflation_Universe_Model The

Truth About Dark Energy, Evaporation of the Universe

Let us dwell in more detail on the evaporation of the universe, more precisely how it happens and why, the fact is that space and energy are essentially the same thing, as already mentioned earlier, therefore, even in a vacuum in empty space, particles can appear and disappear, why does this happen I have already said that energy is in space itself in the structure of its tissue, the fabric of space itself is constantly vibrating (it was not me who made these discoveries), but the point here is not only that these particles appear, they try to escape from space, as if to break him, but the density of the space itself does not allow this, so the virtual particles disappear.

Virtual particles

It is better to compare this with a glass of water, water molecules as particles of space are trying to escape, i.e. evaporate, but internal connections, water density, and atmospheric pressure interfere with this, so if you remove the atmospheric pressure, or raise the glass from the ground to a height with reduced pressure, water will begin to evaporate from it, i.e. the force of the restraining water molecule will not be enough, so with space, at some point the density of space, which holds it together, will be insufficient and the energy of the space itself will tear it apart, i.e. virtual particles will escape.

I think that the size of such a universe, or rather the evaporating parts, will be approximately equal to the Planck value, i.e. very small.

How can this be verified or proved based on the Casimir effect, when virtual particles were detected by indirect indications, i.e. particles appearing in an empty vacuum, two plates were attracted due to interaction with them, and so, depending on the density of the space itself, the denser the space, the more difficult it is for such particles to escape or exist, and in a more rarefied space these particles will exist longer and may have more energy. Those. it is enough to conduct an experiment on the surface of the earth and measure the parameters of these particles, and conduct the same experiment with identical parameters, for example, outside the earth as far as possible, where the density of space is less, because gravity is weaker.

We got to one interesting conclusion, it turns out that the lower the density of space, the stronger the forces that are trying to tear the very fabric of space, and from the inside from the space itself, this description exactly fits the description of Dark energy, it is it that is trying to break space itself and the more the universe stretches, the stronger this force.

It turns out that I denied myself that Dark energy does not exist, and at the same time confirmed my words that dark energy is the energy of space itself, but Dark energy is, but its nature can be understood and explained.

The gaseous universe and the theory of inflation, i.e. condensation of the universe

I would say that this is the process of condensation of the universe from a gaseous state into a liquid, or even solid, it is easier to explain using the example of water, we know that the universe can evaporate, but water evaporates condenses into clouds or on a cold surface, what if a similar process occurs and in our universe, and a completely evaporated universe in the form of a cloud can gather into a cloud and then go into a liquid state, under the action of its own gravity, stop, where is the gravity from there? But after all, in fact, such a cloud of an evaporated universe where the smallest particles move at speeds greater than the speed of light, having Planck dimensions and at the same time possessing the energy of the entire universe, will sooner or later collide with each other, which will lead to the formation of a small but still a universe , such a drop,but as soon as it appears, it can become an exact condensation, the beginning of a new universe.

It is quite possible that in the gaseous state in the process of condensation there appear not only drops of space, but also ice floes, i.e. small black holes are formed.

The gaseous universe is the state of the universe in the form of energy, and since energy and mass in the usual view have gravity, then most likely the gaseous universe, being a form of energy, will also have a kind of gravity, which will lead to the condensation of such a cloud, i.e. transition to a liquid or solid state of the universe. Where can this form of gravity come from? As mentioned earlier, the particles of the universe in a gaseous state can collide, and such a collision will lead to the formation of small drops of space, which generates gravity.

It is worth saying that the gaseous universe will not have volume, since space as such will simply not exist, which means the entire universe can be enclosed at one point, or rather enclosed in nothing, this does not contradict the theory of the density of space.

It is possible that a black hole can become a condensation point, which will remain after the rupture of space, if this is possible, we do not know for sure whether black holes evaporate or not? And can they, on the contrary, not evaporate, but grow due to the empty space surrounding them?

Imagine boiling water, it is covered with a lid on which ice lies, it is logical that we will see how steam will condense from the bottom of the lid, and from above the ice will melt and water will form, from one part it will be a little warmer and on the other a little colder, i.e. there will be a slight difference in the density of the water.

Perhaps these differences predetermined the structure of our universe, in denser areas (dark matter) ordinary matter was concentrated.


It is worth mentioning the anti-universe, or rather the theory of its existence is based on the fact that every particle must have an antiparticle, and this is true, but since our universe consists of some particles, then where are the opposite ones?

The answer to this question is, I will explain using a simplified model, imagine the universe in the form of a ball in which particles and antiparticles are formed, in pairs, while they are annihilated when they meet, i.e. destroy each other, so the main idea is that when a particle and antiparticle are formed, they fly from each other in the opposite direction, completely arbitrary, so two particles located on the edge of the ball emit particles in the opposite direction, and it turns out that electrons are directed to the center ball meeting there and forming matter, and positrons in the opposite direction, i.e. from the center to the edge of the universe. We know that the universe can expand faster than the speed of light, but particles cannot overcome this barrier and continue to move at the speed of light. It means that a cloud of antiparticles, equal to all matter in our universe,distributed somewhere at the edge of the universe, knowing the incredible size of our universe, we can assume their concentration, average distribution density. Therefore, I believe that an anti-universe does not exist at the moment, but in principle such a universe can exist, for example: perhaps before us, before the big bang, or after, a universe of antiparticles will be randomly created, and the particles we are used to will end up somewhere at its edge.and the particles we are accustomed to will be somewhere on its edge.and the particles we are accustomed to will be somewhere on its edge.

Or is our universe not one? And is there some kind of external, extraneous factor and source of energy? And there are other universes around us? Perhaps in a solid or gaseous state and they all exchange energy and space itself?

How can this be verified, if our universe is expanding for no reason somewhere on the edge and becomes denser, gaining energy, then this may indicate that space comes to us from somewhere else, or if the universe is expanding for no reason and at the same time loses its density and energy , then we can assume that it evaporates or the neighboring universe is pulling us in like a giant black hole. Perhaps if the universe was contracting, but at the same time, according to all the laws of gravity, it could not do this, then we can assume that there is an external force.

This question can be answered by knowing that the energy of the entire universe is constant or not.

If our universe is cyclical, then what universes can be, or rather what form our universe can take, it is quite possible that all particles and antiparticles will destroy each other, then a universe without matter will turn out, or the proportion of particles will be too large, then there can be much more matter , and it is quite possible that the entire universe will be several supermassive black holes circling around each other.

Apparently we live in the most favorable and balanced universe, or maybe not, who knows.

The theory of relativity and others

What, in my opinion, is most likely absent in our universe, is the curvature of space, in the form of wormholes or the multidimensionality of the universe in the form of additional rolled universes, etc. Space can stretch, shrink, but this property is due to its density, and even the threads of space can twist, but this does not lead to the formation of anything over complex, for example, nested universes.

Although one “But” must be said here, the fact is that the liquid can take any shape, you know that, water can be poured into a glass or any other vessel, not necessarily round, i.e. in my opinion, the shape of space on the scale of the entire universe can take any shape, even the shape of a donut (torus). This does not contradict the theory of space density, if we consider it as the form of a liquid, and I would even say that it logically follows from it.

No, I do not contradict generally accepted theories, but on the contrary, I confirm them, here is a classic example with gravity, when a heavy object is placed on a stretched canvas in the center and it bends the fabric of the canvas, i.e. the fabric of space, yes indeed this is how gravity can be interpreted, it is very convenient and understandable, but according to the theory of the liquid universe, you just need to add water to this experience, i.e. take water and pour it onto the same sheet with a metal ball in the center, and we will see how water will evenly fill the entire sheet, it will have a flat smooth surface, while the density of water, i.e. its thickness will be different, at the edges it will be minimal, and in the center the depth of the water will be equal to the depression created by the ball in the fabric of the canvas.

The difference is only in the interpretation, while the theory of the liquid universe allows you to better represent some phenomena, such as black holes and the evaporation of the universe.

How gravity bends space and time


Sometimes it seems to me that the material written by me does not make any sense and this is generally complete nonsense, but watching videos or reading material on this topic, other authors and scientists, I understand that perhaps what is the point in this article , and I hope that someone will like this material.

The theory of space density can be confirmed or disproved by conducting an experiment with virtual particles or by fixing the oscillations of the event horizon near a black hole.

The universe should be simple and straightforward, no matter how complex it may seem.


Interesting materials on the topic, which were found after comprehending the very idea of ​​space density and writing its basic principles and concepts. But a lot can be learned from these materials, it’s not even better to say that these materials should be correct, and I’m most likely wrong.


(It may seem boring at first, but in my opinion one of the best descriptions of the universe, with pictures and visualization.

Professor of the University of Amsterdam Robert Dijkroff talks about what is behind space and time)

Physics from Pobedinsky

Why gravity SLOWS TIME? (feat. Artur Sharifov)

Why can't you exceed the speed of light?

(a very interesting and understandable channel, everything is explained very well, I would recommend watching almost all the videos)

BLACK HOLE [And our entire Universe is in it] (Artur Sharifov)


(There are formulas and calculations here, although I do not agree with the general conclusions of the authors)

What is space?

(article on Habr, translation of 2017, general reasoning about space, like jelly)

Curvature of Space? -or changing its (SPACE) density?

(a very simple video by the author with pictures, only general concepts)

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