Implementing localization with Source code generators

Recently I ran into the problem of localizing my application and thought about solving it.

The first to come to mind is the most obvious and simplest way - a dictionary, but it was immediately rejected, since there is no way to check whether a string exists in the dictionary at the time of compilation.

A much more elegant solution is to create a class hierarchy like this:

public class Locale 
	public string Name {get; set;}
  public UI UI {get; set;}
public class UI 
	public Buttons Buttons {get; set;}
	public Messages Messages {get; set;}
public class Buttons 
	public string CloseButton {get; set;}
  public string DeleteButton {get; set;}
public class Messages 
	public string ErrorMessage {get; set;}

Then you can simply serialize / deserialize xml'ku.

There is only one "but". It can take a long time to create such a class hierarchy, especially if the project is large. So why not generate it from an xml file? This is what we will do.

Let's get started

First, let's create a project for our generator and add the necessary packages to it.

dotnet new classlib -o LocalizationSourceGenerator -f netstandard2.0
dotnet add package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
dotnet add package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers

Important! The target framework of the project must be netstandard2.0

Next, let's add the class of our generator

It must implement the ISourceGenerator interface and be marked with the Generator attribute

Next, let's add the ILocalizationGenerator interface and the XmlLocalizationGenerator class that implements it:

public interface ILocalizationGenerator
	string GenerateLocalization(string template);

public class XmlLocalizationGenerator : ILocalizationGenerator
	private List<string> classes = new List<string>();
  public string GenerateLocalization(string template)
  	//  xml    
    XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
    var root = document.DocumentElement;
    string namespaceName = root.HasAttribute("namespace") ? 
    											 root.GetAttribute("namespace") : 
    GenClass(root); //  
    var sb = new StringBuilder();
   	sb.AppendLine($"namespace {namespaceName}\n{{");
	  foreach(var item in classes) 
  	return sb.ToString();
  public void GenClass(XmlElement element)
  	var sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.Append($"public class {element.Name}");
    foreach (XmlNode item in element.ChildNodes)
      //     -  -
    	if (item.ChildNodes.Count == 0 
      || (item.ChildNodes.Count == 1 
      && item.FirstChild.NodeType==XmlNodeType.Text))
      	sb.AppendLine($"public string {item.Name} {{get; set;}}");
      	sb.AppendLine($"public {item.Name} {item.Name} {{get; set;}}");

There is little left to do. It is necessary to implement the class of the generator itself

public class LocalizationSourceGenerator : ISourceGenerator
	public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)
  	var templateFile = context
                       		x => Path.GetExtension(x.Path) == ".xml")
    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(templateFile))
    	ILocalizationGenerator generator = new XmlLocalizationGenerator();
      var s = generator.GenerateLocalization(File.ReadAllText(templateFile));
      //    ""
      context.AddSource("Localization",s );

  public void Initialize(GeneratorInitializationContext context)
  	//       ,

That's all! Now you just need to check our generator. To do this, create a console application project

dotnet new console -o Test

Add the template and localization file

<Locale namespace="Program.Localization">


Let's edit the project file

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
					Include="----" />
		<!--      -->
    <AdditionalFiles Include="template.xml"/>  

And the program code

using System;
using System.IO; 
using System.Xml.Serialization;   
using Program.Localization; //  
namespace Program
	public class Program
		public static void Main()
      // Locale    
			var xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Locale));
			var locale = xs.Deserialize(File.OpenRead("ru.xml")) as Locale;

Dotnet-And-Happiness / LocalizationSourceGenerator ( - generator repository

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