How my domain was stolen

I want to share the good news, if you have a domain on one wonderful registrar or its partners, then maybe it won't be for long, in the sense that you don't have it for long.

Once I was sitting at work and then a user of my site writes to me in the mail, says something your site has not been opened for a long time.

Indeed, I go there and write to the hoster, he says an error in the DNS. I go to DNS records, but they are empty and cannot be edited. I look at the information on the domain - the domain is already with another registrar.

After the trial, it turned out that my registrar turned out to be, without a single letter transferred the domain to another person, and then sent it to another registrar. How did it happen? Someone forged my electronic signature just wrote them a letter, and they happily did it.

Going into the public services, I really found an electronic signature there that I could not even physically issue being not only in another city, but even in another country.

Old registrar:


Unfortunately, there is no news. Since the change of the registrar was made after the change of the administrator, the notification was sent, but to a new mail, which was indicated on the domain. In this situation, we also, at the moment, cannot help with anything, since the domain is no longer with us.

New registrar:


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  • 2FA .

  • The registrar must send notifications to everything he can (mail, phone) for any operation with domains. This is not a complete protection, but in my case it would help.

  • Pause after changing the name of the owner of the domain and only after a while the possibility of transferring it.

  • If a domain costs a lot of money, it might be worth calling a person in a bank, but does he really want to transfer the domain?

Thanks for attention.

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