What do managers in Kazakhstani IT do and how much do they earn? Study

In January, the Kolesa Group published another study by Kolesa Zerttey . This time dedicated to IT management.

Previously, similar studies were published in the areas of "Data Science-specialists and analysts" and "Developers". From it you can learn about:

  • salaries, responsibilities and motivation of specialists;

  • methodologies and frameworks popular on the market;

  • the size and composition of product teams; 

  • about the sources of knowledge and competences in the profession.

Where does the data come from?

Data was collected through a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was completed by 320 respondents. The respondents were collected from the internal HR database, professional chats and specialized Telegram channels. To obtain more representative data, the database was cleared of outliers and gaps, the response rates were operated, the central tendency metrics were calculated, and the scatter of indicators and quantiles of various levels were analyzed. 

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  • Go Practice

  • Coursera

  • Product stars

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