About the relationship between coroutines, threads and concurrency issues

« - », ? - ? . , Android, , , Java, .

, . Android, , , . , :

// ,   10-      
someScope.launch(Dispatchers.Default) {
   val fibonacci10 = synchronousFibonacci(10)
   saveFibonacciInMemory(10, fibonacci10)

private fun synchronousFibonacci(n: Long): Long { /* … */ }


) , , (thread pool), , Dispatchers.Default

. - .

, , . , (dispatcher), , (yield)/ (suspend) t, .


//    4 
val executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4)

executorService.execute {
   val fibonacci10 = synchronousFibonacci(10)
   saveFibonacciInMemory(10, fibonacci10)


, Android , , , Jetpack.

? , , CoroutineDispatcher ; Dispatchers.Default


CoroutineDispatcher . , CoroutineDispatcher

, , interceptContinuation, Continuation

( ) DispatchedContinuation. , CoroutineDispatcher

ContinuationInterceptor .

, , , , (, ) Continuation.

resumeWith DispatchedContinuation

, Continuation !

, DispatchedContinuation DispatchedTask, Java, , Runnable

. , DispatchedContinuation

! ? CoroutineDispatcher

, DispatchedTask

, Runnable



? , , start

CoroutineStart. , , , CoroutineStart.LAZY

. CoroutineStart.DEFAULT

, CoroutineDispatcher

. !

An illustration of how a block of code in a coroutine is sent to the thread for execution


, CoroutineDispatcher

Executor.asCoroutineDispatcher(). (Dispatchers), .

, Dispatchers.Default

createDefaultDispatcher. DefaultScheduler. Dispatchers.IO, DefaultScheduler

64 . Dispatchers.Default


, , . withContext



Android , , . ! , , . , , . , - withContext


, , , , ( , ). , ! , , (suspend) ! !

CoroutineScheduler, Java , . Dispatchers.Default


, , , . , fast-path.


, Dispatchers.Default


, ( ) .

- , . , : Java, , . , , .

, , , , . , . - ! , .

. , , , . , , , , .

, Java. .

, , . , , , , , , . , . , , !

. , , . , ! , (suspend) withContext(defaultDispatcher)


, , . , , , , :

class TransactionsRepository(
  private val defaultDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default
) {

  private val transactionsCache = mutableMapOf<User, List<Transaction>()

  private suspend fun addTransaction(user: User, transaction: Transaction) =
   // !     .
   //   :     
   //     .
    withContext(defaultDispatcher) {
      if (transactionsCache.contains(user)) {
        val oldList = transactionsCache[user]
        val newList = oldList!!.toMutableList()
        transactionsCache.put(user, newList)
      } else {
        transactionsCache.put(user, listOf(transaction))

Kotlin, « Java » - , Java. , Jetbrains .

, . , , , API . , API, , .

. , .

/ . / (producer/consumer) . JetBrains .

Android , . , AtomicInteger. , map , ConcurrentHashMap. ConcurrentHashMap

- , map.

, , . , . , transactionCache

, , .

, , .

, , @Volatile ! , @Synchronized , .

, (latches), (semaphores) (barriers). (locks) (mutexes).

Mutex lock unlock, . , Mutex.withLock :

class TransactionsRepository(
  private val defaultDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default
) {

  // ,    
  private val cacheMutex = Mutex()
  private val transactionsCache = mutableMapOf<User, List<Transaction>()

  private suspend fun addTransaction(user: User, transaction: Transaction) =
    withContext(defaultDispatcher) {
      // ,    
      cacheMutex.withLock {
        if (transactionsCache.contains(user)) {
          val oldList = transactionsCache[user]
          val newList = oldList!!.toMutableList()
          transactionsCache.put(user, newList)
        } else {
          transactionsCache.put(user, listOf(transaction))

, , , Mutex

, , Java, . Java , , , .

, , . , Android . . !

Android Developer. Basic.

- : " . Room"

Android Developer. Professional

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