Announcement: adult conversation about pentesting and hacking

TOMORROW, at 20:00, Omar Ganiev, the founder of DeteAct

and a member of the Russian team of hackers LC↯BC, will speak on our social networks . Omar can be safely called one of the best hackers in the country.

LC↯BC won first place in the finals of the 0CTF international computer security tournament in Shanghai in 2016.

For more than half of his life, Omar has been hacking computer systems. For him, this is primarily a hobby and a basic life skill, which gradually became a job, and only then a basis for entrepreneurship.

In addition to the work itself, Omar is very attracted to the research side of this activity, as well as the sports - hacking competition (CTF), in which he participated a lot, individually and as part of various teams.

Now the More Smoked Leet Chicken team, of which Omar is a member, consists of enthusiasts working in different companies and countries, and it is the strongest CTF team in Russia and one of the strongest in the world.

As for DeteAct (officially Continuous Technologies LLC), it provides security analysis and penetration testing services. Simply put, various companies ask guys to hack their systems in order to test their strength and learn how to prevent malicious hacker attacks and business losses.

During the broadcast, we will discuss what hackers working in the legal field are doing, what a pentest is, who orders it, and whether it is possible to live on the network without checking your security.

Performance plan

Ask questions in the comments - and Omar will answer them during the live broadcast.

  • What do hackers working in the legal field do, What is a pentest, and who orders it?
  • How difficult is this work, and how to check its quality?
  • Is it possible to live online without checking your security?
  • What are the most common vulnerabilities found in software and company infrastructures?

See you live!

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