Selling tweets without NFT and SMS

When I read the news today that the head of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, put up his first tweet for auction and its price is already obscenely high, I immediately remembered one old story about how the "sale of tweets" was launched. True, the task was somewhat different - not to sell any historically important tweets, but to implement a smart contract for the community of one blockchain platform, which would allow everyone to tweet the community ... for the tokens of this very platform.

Smart contract

Usually, when it comes to blockchain, a smart contract operates with data that was "born" in the blockchain network, the smart contract algorithm itself "lives" within the framework of the blockchain infrastructure. In general, because of this, the reliability of smart contracts within the blockchain infrastructure is quite high - in any case, it will be executed if the entire network does not lie down. But in a broader sense, a smart contract is a computer program or transaction protocol that is designed to automatically execute, control or document legally significant events and actions in accordance with the terms of a contract or agreement (and not what is written in the Russian Wikipedia). And smart contracts themselves actually existed long before the advent of the blockchain, just with the advent of the latter, this concept has become popular, albeit a little distorted.

In our case, a smart contract is defined as follows: any transaction in the blockchain network that meets certain requirements must lead to the publication of a tweet in a specific account. This "agreement" was needed so that any member of the community, without any censorship, could speak on the twitter of the community, and other members could read it. The terms of the smart contract are as follows:

  • The transaction with the contents of the text had to be sent to the advisor address on the blockchain network

  • The cost of one transaction must be higher than 1 WCT (Community Specialized Token)

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Service architecture

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, , – 01.03.2021, .

PS: And the price of the "meme" NFT token in the title of the article is above $ 20k at the current rate.

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