Planning a Rust 2021 release

The Rust 2021 Edition Working Group is pleased to announce that the next Rust revision - Rust 2021 - is planned for this year. So far, the formal RFC remains open, but we expect it to be adopted soon. Planning and preparation has already begun and we are on track!

If you're curious about what's coming in Rust 2021, or when it will be in stable release, read our article!

What's in this edition?

The final list of innovations that will be included in Rust 2021 is not yet fully determined. Overall, we plan for the release of Rust 2021 to be much smaller than Rust 2018, for the following reasons:

  • The rhythm of releases has become regular. This means that we will actively use the advantages of the "chaining" model at the level of Rust revisions.
  • Rust 2018 edits out of the "minimal stress" release model.
  • It just needs fewer fundamental changes for the language to continue to evolve.

You can read more about the development of the concept of revisions in the RFC .

Deciding whether a feature will be included in Rust 2021 is part of the RFC process - so the list of expected features can and will change. This will continue until the very moment of release, but nevertheless, already now we can consider a list of functions that are most likely to be included in it.

Foreplay changes

While types and free functions can be added to the prelude without being tied to a revision, it is different with traits. Adding a trait to a prelude can cause compatibility issues β€” for example, calling a method with the same name as the method name of a new trait in scope can lead to ambiguity.

The following traits have been proposed to be included in Rust 2021:

  • TryFrom


  • FromIterator

The RFC with these changes can be found here . Please note that the RFC has not yet been adopted - the composition of the new prelude is under active discussion.

RFC 2229 , , , . RFC . , , β€” - . .


Rust 1.51 Cargo, . , #[no_std]



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Rust 2021 , , .






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  • 1 β€” RFC , (. . , RFC ).
  • 1 β€” , Rust 2021, Nightly feature-.
  • 1 β€” Nightly.
  • 1 β€” Nightly.
  • 21 β€” .

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Rust 2021 β€” , . , . , :

  • rustfix

  • ,
  • .

With any questions about the Rust language, you can be helped in the Russian-language Telegram chat or in a similar chat for beginners . If you have questions about translations or want to help with them, please contact the translators chat .

You can also support us at OpenCollective .

This article was jointly translated blandger, TelegaOvoshey, funkill and andreevlex...

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