How we automate the development process

IT companies are increasingly thinking about the need to optimize software development by automating routine processes. Every year, the wishes of customers, the complexity and volume of projects are increasing. Today, you will no longer surprise anyone with solutions with millions of lines of code. At the same time, the cost of developers on the market is steadily growing - over the past two years, it has doubled. Optimization is designed to address the issues of reducing development costs, reducing coding time and improving the quality of the products created.

In 2010, OTP started thinking about the need to avoid manual processing of customer requirements and reduce the number of developers using automation tools. By that time, a lot of experience was accumulated in working with complex systems in order to understand all the subtleties and possible problem areas of development. The foundations of the conceptual development plan were laid, which was based on the maximum automation of the development process.

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« 1.0»

low-code , , , . drag-and-drop . .

low-code , Delphi 7. . . .

The first steps to automate the development process

« 1.0» Delphi 7, . , .   , . , , , .  .

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low-code , , 44%. .

« 2.0»

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Development automation in Studio 2.0
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