March 10 - free online meetup SM lab analyst day

Hey! On Wednesday, March 10, we will hold a meetup dedicated to the work of system analysts and not only. The program includes 4 reports from our speakers, we start at 18.30 Moscow time. The main thing is to register in advance, because we will send the link to the meetup an hour before the start.

Meetup program

  • Work in Sportmaster on the example of the project "New Internet store"
  • Practical case of replacing the role of "Tester" by analysts
  • How we came to Figma or why learn to cook deliciously
  • Let's go with the developers to the left! Or How to Reduce Gap Waste in Business Setting

And now for more details.

Elizaveta Panteleeva - Work in Sportmaster on the example of the project "New Internet store"

How business tasks turn into developer tasks. We will tell you how we built the development process on one of our flagship projects: the new website of the Sportmaster online store, in a team with 20+ participants.

Artem Poluyan - Practical case of replacing the role of "Tester" by analysts

Artem will share his personal experience on what to do when the team is left without testers. How we organized the work and how we transfer testing to new employees.

Ivan Khakharev - How we came to Figma or why learn to cook deliciously

Report on our own development and finalization of the site for an external user without a designer. How to solve the problems of large technical specifications describing the mechanics of the form, about a long explanation to the business of the ideas of revision, and a little more about what you wanted to go for the better.

Artem Zaev - Let's go with the developers to the left! Or How to Reduce Gap Waste in Business Setting

It often happens that in the process of implementing business requirements, questions arise that cannot be resolved without returning the task back to analytics. While the analyst clarifies the problem with the customer, losses occur. We will tell you how we, on the project of redesigning the shopping cart of the SM site, established a dialogue with the business directly on the basis of interactive whiteboards in Miro.

Passwords and accounts

Registration page

Beginning at 18.30 Moscow time, we will finish at about 22.00

At about 17.30 we will send a link to the meetup to the registered users in the mail.

Connect, we will try to make it interesting.

Good weekend!

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