Yii News 2021 Issue 1

Hello community!

This is the first news release in 2021. The start of the year was productive. We started actively releasing Yii 3 packages, there is significant progress with packages not yet released. Improved development tools, fixed a lot, killed unnecessary packages. And all this in parallel with supporting Yii 2 and solving funding problems.

Team and foundation

Despite the fact that 2020 was overwhelming, everything worked out well for Yii. We managed to agree on the extension of support for Yii 1.1 and other things in exchange for a one-time or permanent fund replenishment.

, ,  , . .

, . . , . , . , . , OpenCollective , Yii PHP. , , , .

,  sam@rmcreative.ru.

Yii 2

Yii 2.0.41.  Paweล‚ Brzozowski, Yii 2,  Robert Korulczyk  master . .   .

Yii 3

, :

  • Event dispatcher 1.0.0

  • Test support 1.1.0 and 1.2.0

  • CSRF 1.0.0

  • Auth 2.0.0

  • JWT auth 1.0.0

  • Strings 1.2.0 and 2.0.0

  • Arrays 1.0.0

  • Cache and its drivers 1.0.0

  • Request body parser 1.0.0

  • Files 1.0.0

  • Var dumper 1.0.0

  • Log and its drivers 1.0.0

, , , , API .

. .


  •  ArrayHelper::pathExists()


  •  ArrayHelper::group()

    .  ArrayHelper::index()


  • .


  • DeletableInterface.

  •  PaginatorInterface



  • Sort -, .


  • IdentityRepositoryInterface::findIdentityByToken()


    . , .

  • JWT.

Config plugin

 Composer config plugin  : AST, . yiisoft  , , .

. .

Error handler

  • , .

  • Xdebug 3 .

  • ExceptionResponder, HTTP- .  NotFoundException

    . .

  • Renderer- HTTP-, renderer, . . , API .

  • stacktrace  vendor

      . , .

  •  yiisoft/yii-event   . .

  • DI .


  •  NumericHelper::isInteger()


  •  bool



  • wildcard.  **

    , , , .

Var dumper

  • PHP 8.

  • VarDumper::dump()

     , , .

  •  VarDumper::asPhpString()


  • Yii debugger .

  • .

  •  d()




. :

  1. .

  2. , - Html. , . IDE .

. :

  • Rule .

  • Validator .

  • .

  • .

  • , DataSetInterface.

  • InRange InRange Subset.

  • "required" input- .

  • -   .

.   readme.


Mailer   SwiftMailer  . . .

DB ActiveRecord

, . Wilmer, , , Telegram 120 .

Yii 2 . , , 100%. , , Yii 2, . , .



  • Middleware .



. .

Bootstrap Bulma

  • Bootstrap 4.

  • Bootstrap Toast.

  • Bulma Panel

  • .

  • HTML.



API, .

  • .

  • container proxy, .

  • .

  • .


PHP 8.

   . .  release/what

. . , , .

  • - view injection.

  • Layout .

  • "home".

  • yiisoft/config.

  • application runner.

  • .

  • -  app-api  demo-api.

  • .

  • DI container readme

  • 010 - Code Style

  • 017 - Tags

  • 018 - Widgets

  • 019 - View code style

  • Configuring SSL peer validation

  • Handling errors

  • Mailing


  • Building E-commerce website with Yii2.

  • RoadRunner 2.

  • 647 YiiPowered.

  • Yii 3.

  • email- URL- .

  • Does it belong in the application or domain layer?.

  • Object properties and immutability.

  • Contract tests.

โค๏ธ !

, Yii 3. .

, , Yii. :

  • CraftCMS - OpenSource CMS Yii2.

  • Onetwist Software - .

  • SkillShare - .

  • Betteridge - .

  • dmstr - Docker.

  • HumHub - OpenSource .

  • JetBrains - .

  • Skin.Club - CS:GO.

  •  - , , . -, IT-, .


, Yii 3 :

  • Wilmer Arambula.

  • Rustam Mamadaminov.

  • Viktor Babanov.

  • Valerii Gorbachev.

  • Evgeniy Zyubin.

  • Roman Tsurkanu.

  • Aleksei Gagarin.

  • Dmitry Derepko.

  • Alexander Nekrasov.

  • yiiliveext.

  • Sergei Predvoditelev.

  • mj4444ru.

  • Michael Hรคrtl .

  • Vitalii Shkolin .

  • Insolita .

  • Leonid Chernenko .

  • Anton Samoylenko .

  • Mister 42 .

  • Evgeniy Tkachenko .

  • Julian Schmidt .

  • Artur Avdonin .

  • l317crew .

  • Arman Poghosyan .

  • Dmitry Naumenko .

  • Andrii Dembitskyi .

  • Alexey Gevondyan .

  • Milen Hristov .

  • Sagittaracc .

  • Marko Kaznovac .

  • kriptonuz .

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