Cryptocurrency as a tax administration tool

A.S. Erashov, Higher School of Banking in Gdansk (e-mail:

Annotation . One of the principles of the classic election campaign is the competition of ideas and

methods for the distribution of public goods obtained from taxes and the tax rates themselves. At the same time, it is important not only to be able to create and maintain an optimal system for collecting and distributing taxes, but also to provide the public with open information about the processes and prospects taking place in this matter in the most intelligible way. And the more democratic a society is, the more such an understanding is in demand. New technologies of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, in particular, make it possible to create improved systems for collecting and distributing information, as well as conveniently attracting public control. And the sooner countries adopt it for mass use, the more successful their economies will be.

Abstract. One of the principles of the classic election campaign is the competition of ideas and methods of distribution of public goods obtained from taxes and the tax rates themselves. At the same time, it is important not only to be able to create and maintain an optimal system for collecting and distributing taxes, but also to provide the public with open information about the processes and prospects taking place in this matter as clearly as pos sible. And the more democratic a society is, the more such an understanding is in demand. New technologies of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, in particular, make it possible to create improved systems for both collecting and distributing information, and conveniently involving public control. And the sooner countries adopt it for mass use, the more successful their economies will be.

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-. blockchain, cryptocurrency, cryptotechnologies, stablecoins, Bitcoin, ETH, smart contract.

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The original article is only in paper form in the journal  ECONOMY AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP  ISSN: 1999-2300 Issue No. 12 (125) pp. 1024-1027. A link to the author and source is required when copying.

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