"Sly Python" Mikhail Korneev, Grigory Petrov, Ilya Beda and other cool speakers-theses of speeches at PyCon Weekend

PyCon conferences are a way to join a friendly company of like-minded people. Communication with interesting and smart people, exchange of experience and the opportunity to expand the circle of professional acquaintances.

Paikon participants do not just listen to reports and “shake their heads” with life hacks and insights. The main thing for off-line conferences is live communication. And where else can you first discuss with the speakers during the official part of the event, and then discuss the code while drinking a glass of mulled wine?

PyCon Weekend will take place in 2 weeks (March 19-20, 2021). In the meantime, we asked the speakers to tell you about their reports.


Mikhail Korneev

BestDoctor, creator and author of the "Sly Python" channel on You Tube

Topic: How Automatic Checks Help Us Make Better Code

“Like any growing project, we faced several problems:

- the code is getting bigger, it becomes more complicated

- the team is growing, people with different experiences and habits come

- many problems come up regularly in the code review

These problems cannot be solved instantly and completely solved, But over the years, the team has developed a good approach - if we regularly encounter a problem and its verification can be automated, we need to do it.

, , . , , »

Teamlead Tinkoff.ru


« aio- , : HTTP . , , , aio-database . ORM , . , , .

In my talk, I will tell you in which types of tasks everything will be ok, and when you should not expect miracles from asynchrony. We will also figure out why it is so difficult to write an asynchronous ORM and how to add asynchrony in the new SQLAlchemy without rewriting the code using greenlet "


Gleb Alshansky

Open Technologies

Speech topic: Safe Reinforcement Learning: how to prevent a robot from breaking anything

“Reinforcement learning is a great paradigm for building robot control algorithms that doesn't involve manually writing a huge number of rules to set constraints on robot behavior or marking up huge datasets for training. Instead, a robot can learn from its experience of interacting with its environment through trial and error.

But here 2 questions arise:

1. How to make sure that, making mistakes in the learning process, the robot does not break itself or something / someone around it?

2. How to make the training effective in terms of the number of attempts? "


Nikita Dmitriev

Machine Learning Tools Developer, Yandex

Speech topic: new items in CatBoost

“In my report I will tell you about Catbust and what tasks it solves. We will talk about recently supported text features and embeddings in catboost, discuss the importance of features, and look at our selection mechanism. In the end, let's talk about ways to determine uncertainty in Catbust's predictions "


Ilya Beda


Deme of presentation: Python on FHIR

«HL7 FHIR — . . Enterprise , Java .Net. , beda.software , python . open source Python FHIR.

, FHIR, . , »

PyCon Weekend, , , "

Nikolay Markov

Aligned Research Group LLC

Speech topic: Exotic Python built-in modules

“There are several points of view. Some say that there is no need to use third-party modules if there is a ready-made implementation for them in the standard library. Others say that this very library is the place where modules come to quietly rot, so you need to take fresh and modern third-party implementations.

But the fact is the fact - over the long and rich history of Python development, a whole freak show of modules of varying degrees of need and elaboration has gathered in the standard library. It even somewhat resembles NIICHAVo from a well-known story - the deeper you go, the more mysterious things you find. Let's take a look? "


Anton Patrushev


Talk Topic: Automate It: How to Use Invoke to Reduce Chaos

“I want to talk about how we started using pyinvoke to automate various operations in our team. Such as: testing, style checking, releases, etc. Thanks to this, we quickly managed to bring a single base for all our internal and external packages. At the same time, we got the opportunity to change our conventions as needed immediately and everywhere.

Students will be able to understand that conventions and conventions in a team are best codified so that they can be reused in all packages. And that it is more convenient and more pleasant to develop auxiliary tasks in python than in make.

The talk is aimed at middle + python developer dealing with package management "



«NoSQL . ( ) .

GraphQL , ORM, GraphQ, SQL . GraphQL MongoDB, GraphQL / , «» «».



Grigory Petrov


Topic: Why is python slow?

“Just twenty years ago, the world was simple and straightforward. Python, Ruby, and PHP were "scripting", "interpreted" languages. And C ++ and Java are "compiled, therefore hundreds of times faster." And now, in 2021, the "four-body problem" is solved in C ++ only twice as fast as in JavaScript. But it's still hundreds of times faster than Python or Ruby. Sounds unfair. And there are a lot of good talks that answer the question "what to do" and "how to smear everything with PyPy, Numba and Cython".

I'll tell you about "who is to blame": about compilers, bytecode, ceval.c, virtual machines, JIT, native extensions and everything that is why we are forced to hear this offensive "Python is slow"


Alexey Burov


Topic: How to use the Git Precommit Hook without pain

“Working days - we communicate with the product manager, think about inheritance, observe SOLID, follow TDD, implement DDD. And sometimes there is no time to stop and look at the everyday tool, git.

It seems that I also heard about Git Hooks, something about the insides inside the .git folder and some scripts ... well, it's better not to go into it, I'll go and read something about the new version of frameworkname.

But since “we are all gathered here today”, then let's talk about git hooks: remember what kind of beast it is, look at the pre-commit (which is a tool, not a hook), what's new and how to live with pre-commit hooks in monorepositories "


Maxim Akinin


Speech topic: experience of integrating microservices on Rust into the pipeline of microservices written in Python

“Integration of Python with Rust is a current trend, developing by leaps and bounds. But for many, it is something theoretical and scary to use in production.

Let's take a look at the cases from real production.

Why integrate with Rust?

Why shouldn't teamlead be afraid of this?

How can you organize a pipeline of calculations in order to integrate Rust into the Python code execution chain as painlessly as possible?

What non-obvious questions can Rust help the Pythonist? How to replace marshmallow and other libraries with Rust analogs?

In my talk we will consider all of the above issues, discuss several pitfalls and conclude that Rust and Python are one of the most powerful trends of the future in the Python world "


Mikhail Elovskikh


Topic: Fantastic Checks and Where to Find Them

“Do you know the situation“ everything works for me ”, when everything is fine locally and in CI, but users suffer in production?

In the Yandex.Cloud virtual network, we constantly keep our finger on the pulse with the help of active checks of prodovye scripts based on python and py.test.

I will tell you what "setup" works for us and how this approach can be used in your project "

PyCon Weekend will take place on March 19-20 at Rosa Khutor.

The program includes 12 reports, discussions, live communication with speakers, master classes and everyone's favorite after-party.

The conference starts at 10:00 .

Number of participants: 100 people.

You can book a ticket, as well as find out all the details of the event, here .

See you!

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