We create a database using the example of a delivery service and parse SQL queries

Today we will look at an example database and various commands for aggregation, grouping, sorting, joining tables and more using MySQL as an example. The data itself is a set of tables with arbitrary names and values. The structure of the tables and their relationships are presented below.

SQL . , , . .


Products table
Customers table
Table "courier_info"
The orders table
The "delivery_list" table
The orders_products table

, , . .

: , , .

Table "year_statistics"
Table "year_statistics"

, ,


SELECT SUM(amount_of_orders) AS orders_per_year FROM year_statistics;


SELECT month_name, amount_of_orders

FROM year_statistics

ORDER BY amount_of_orders DESC;

, :

SELECT month_name, amount_of_orders FROM year_statistics

WHERE amount_of_orders = (SELECT MAX(amount_of_orders)

FROM year_statistics);


SELECT district

FROM customers

GROUP BY district



SELECT courier_id, COUNT(order_id)

From delivery_list

WHERE date_arrived IS NOT NULL

GROUP BY courier_id;


, "South":

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE district IN ('South');

, :

SELECT * FROM delivery_list

WHERE taken NOT IN ('Yes');

, :

SELECT menu_name FROM products


(SELECT * FROM orders_products

WHERE orders_products.product_id = products.product_id);

, :

SELECT menu_name FROM products


(SELECT * FROM orders_products

WHERE orders_products.product_id = products.product_id);


SELECT 'Customer' AS category, first_name, last_name, phone_number

FROM customers


SELECT 'Employee' AS category, first_name, last_name, phone_number

FROM courier_info;


, (, , ). ROUND, :

SELECT orders_products.order_id, products.menu_name, quantity,

ROUND(price*quantity, 2) AS total_price

FROM orders_products

INNER JOIN products ON orders_products.product_id = products.product_id

ORDER BY order_id, quantity;

, , :

SELECT *, SEC_TO_TIME(TIMESTAMPDIFF(second, date_get, date_arrived))

AS time_of_delivery

FROM orders

NATURAL JOIN delivery_list;

, :

SELECT DISTINCT courier_info.courier_id, customers.district

FROM courier_info

CROSS JOIN customers WHERE courier_info.delivery_type = 'car'

ORDER BY courier_id;

, :

SELECT customers.first_name, customers.last_name,

customers.phone_number, orders.order_id

FROM customers

LEFT JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id;

As a result, we have analyzed a lot of useful SQL fetch queries. Basic and rarer operations were shown. In fact, it does not matter how much data in your table is ten or a thousand, this will not change the queries, but will always remain the same. The main thing is that the meaning is clear, the amount of data plays a much smaller role. It is absolutely stupid to be afraid and upset that you are not yet able to get the desired request. It is absolutely normal if you google, read a book on a topic of interest, and there is still no result. This can take from a dozen minutes to days. We are all human beings and one person cannot know everything. Be patient, ask your comrades, on the forums and just keep looking for yourself, you will succeed! Good luck.

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