Drone in practice: a few details about the StarLine test car

Practice is much more interesting than theory. For example, for a lidar, smoke and steam from the exhaust pipe of a car in front is similar to a concrete pillar, and the cruise control, through which it would be logical to control braking, is not adapted to reversing. And there are many such nuances.

Below is a short story about the device of an unmanned vehicle, created by the St. Petersburg team of StarLine on the basis of an open source platform and a digital model of the road.

We went to talk with their engineers because their car got into the top 50 projects of the NTI Technological Breakthrough, and also won the Winter City competition, where cars with autopilot covered a 50-kilometer distance for a while on a polygon with an urban setting. In other words, this is not an exhibition sample that made three circles around the Skolkovo territory, but a real test run of a complex combination of platforms and technologies.

It is worth starting the story with the carrier. Automakers are in no rush to give third-party companies APIs to control their cars, so building a drone outside the automaker's walls always starts with reverse engineering the standard models.

, StarLine , — , -, ESP, ABS. Skoda Superb.

« ». , ( ), , /GPS.

— StarLine, , .

, . . , . , .

from this looks like a protected block with cameras and sensors

GPS 128- . 100–120 , 300 . , . .

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. . 10 , /GPS- , . . . , .

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. GPS- 10–20 . , 50–100 .

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Additional lidar on the rear bumper

, , . - IP68. 1 — , .

The main computing power was placed in the trunk.  Please note that the system is liquid cooled
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. , — . - .

, -. , . - , «». — ABS, . , , — Toyota Prius.

, CAN-, StarLine . «» — . . — . , .

, , , Nvidia 1080Ti.

, . , . — . , .

StarLine , . .

, «» — , 60 /.

, , , — , , . , .

, . - «», — . StarLine , . , StarLine , , . 

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, , , . .

V2I — vehicle to infrastructure. V2I , , — . 

. StarLine . .

V2X — — . StarLine . V2X . 

, , , - : , , . , .

V2X , . , : . RSU (road side unit) GPS- . RSU — .

The second engineer in the back seat is filming telemetry and monitoring the behavior of the drone.

— Autoware. , . , Nvidia Drive , - — .

Autoware , .

ROS Linux. ++. , , Python. Docker-. — — PostgreeSQL. StarLine .


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— , , . — , . . «» , .

Photos from the "Winter City" competition, where the StarLine car was the first to cover the distance of 50 km
« », StarLine 50

, StarLine , –10, +1 . 

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— , . , ESP, , . . — .

, , . . 

— . , , , . , , . 

, GPS . , ( ), — . « ».

, StarLine . , — «» . - . : , , — .

, , . . «» , , . « » StarLine machine learning. . , .

. — .

Lexus is already on a different platform - Baidu Apollo
Lexus — Baidu Apollo

StarLine — Baidu Apollo. , , . , .

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