Statistics and data center: where does 5 kW per rack come from and why it's a lot

In the news about the launch of data centers, you will definitely see the mention of power in "kilowatts per rack". Over the past year, our combined team of DataLine and Rostelecom-DPC has launched 4 data centers, and each time we encountered comments in social networks and questions in chats:   

The essence of all the questions: “Why the average power of 5 kW per rack?  How is it, 21st century, 21st year, and the figure does not change?  It's too little. "
The essence of all the questions: “Why the average power of 5 kW per rack? How is it, 21st century, 21st year, and the figure does not change? It's too little. "

Today we will answer in order: how do we calculate the power per rack, why this figure does not limit the customer, but, on the contrary, saves his resources. I will explain from the point of view of statistics and take a couple of visual analogies from the popular book " Statistics and cats " (a very cool manual for updating forgotten knowledge).

Let's imagine that we have 10 cats (and we know examples when there are 100 cats). The smallest cat eats 1 kg of feed, the middle one - 3, and the largest one - 10. We do not buy each 10, but calculate the total feed consumption for all and plan purchases from the average. The same, well, or almost the same - with racks.


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capacity management ( ). . , – , - . - , .  : , .

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This is what the plan looks like at this stage: while all the racks are the same.
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  • , . , 15 . 

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. 13 5000 . 

A graph of the average consumption of all DataLine racks for the year.
DataLine .

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(1985+225)/200 = 5,2

5,2 , .  10 ( 5 %), :

(1985+1025)/208 =5,96 

- 5 .

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, 1 000–2 000 . , 9 000 7 500 1,5 . 30 % . 11 700 , 9 750. , , «» .


Standard power supply scheme for DataLine data centers.
- DataLine.

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5 , - . – . : « 7-8 ». . , -. 

, 30 %. ,   « ». 100 %. 80 %, . , .

. : , , , . CPU. ,   1–1,2 800–900 . . , , , -, CPU 20–30 %. : 80–90 %. 

5 « - ». – . 

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