Is the cross-finned fish called coelacanth really a living fossil, or is it still a delusion?

The term "living fossil" was first coined by Charles Darwin in his seminal work On the Origin of Species in 1859. The scientist then drew attention to the anatomical structure of platypuses and lepidosirens (a species of lungfish). He suggested that these animals morphologically change very slowly during evolution, due to the absence of strong competition and sharp changes in the environment.

Lepidosiren wants to eat
Lepidosiren wants to eat

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(Latimeria chalumnae) — , 1938 . «». , .

Coelacanthus granulatus - representatives of extinct coelacanths
Coelacanthus granulatus—

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Comorian coelacanth

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Comparison of the fins and skull of the coelacanth (left) with the fins and skull of its closest relative (right)
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The material was written by me and published in the popular science community by Phanerozoic .

A source:

Insights & Perspective: Why coelacanths are not 'living fossils'

A review of molecular and morphological data

Didier Casane and Patrick Laurenti; 2013

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