Multi-Class Target Encoding

What's wrong with the TargetEncoder from the category_encoders library?

This article is a continuation of the previous article , which explained how objective probabilistic coding actually works. In this article we will see in what cases the standard solution of the category_encoders library gives an incorrect result, and in addition, we will study the theory and code example for correct multi-class objective-probabilistic coding. Go!

1. When is TargetEncoder wrong?

Take a look at this data. Color is a feature, and a goal is ... a goal. Our goal is to encode the color based on the Target.

Let's do the usual objective-probabilistic encoding for this.

import category_encoders as ce

Hmm ... doesn't look good, does it? All colors have been changed to 1. Why? This is because the TargetEncoder takes the average of all target values ​​for each color, not the probability.

While TargetEncoder works correctly when you have a binary target with 0 and 1, it will fail in two cases:

  • When the target is binary, but not 0/1 (at least, for example, 1 and 2).                               

  • When the target is a multiclass like in the above example.

So what to do ?!


Daniele Micci-Barreca, - - .

, n . , . n , . n-1 , , . - , , .



1: - .


, Target_1 0 Target. 1 Target 0, 0 . Target_2 1 Target.

2: , .

class_names = y_onehot.columns

for class_ in class_names: 

    enc = ce.TargetEncoder(smoothing = 0)




3: , , 1 2 .


, :

, Color_Target. , , . , , , Color_Target_3 ( - ) .

, ?!

Below is a function that takes as input a data table and a target label object of type Series. The df function can have both numeric and categorical variables.

def target_encode_multiclass(X,y): #X,y are pandas df and series

    y=y.astype(str)  #convert to string to onehot encode

    class_names=y_onehot.columns  #names of onehot encoded columns

    X_obj=X.select_dtypes('object') #separate categorical columns

    for class_ in class_names:

        enc=ce.TargetEncoder(),y_onehot[class_]) #convert all categorical
        temp=enc.transform(X_obj)       #columns for class_
        temp.columns=[str(x)+'_'+str(class_) for x in temp.columns]
        X=pd.concat([X,temp],axis=1)    #add to original dataset

    return X



In this article, I've shown what's wrong with the TargetEncoder from the category_encoder library, explained what the original article says about targeting multi-class variables, demonstrated it all with an example, and provided a working modular code that you can plug into your application.

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