Telegram subscriber counter with sound notification

In this article, I will tell you in detail how to collect a subscriber counter for your Telegram channel.

What do you need?

As a power source, I use a burnt out nodemcu board, on which a micro usb port is located, which greatly simplifies life, you can use any other normal converter / power supply *

Connection diagram

Well, everything is pretty simple ...

The code

Where is the code ?! I posted all the sources on GitHub here is the link !

The only thing for everything to work is to enter the data of your Wi-Fi access point, the token of your Telegram bot and the name of the channel.

The code is not tricky, he commented everything, so you can edit it as you like.


Well, I don't really like the concept of folding wires on the table, so I decided to print a corpus for it (my corpus files for printing are also available on GitHub).

Well, that's all, nothing complicated, thanks for reading, this was my first article on Habré, I tried to write everything short and clear.

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