Free API for Internet Search

During the development of some projects, you may need a convenient API for searching the Internet. Unfortunately, popular search engines such as Google and Yandex do not give free access to their search results.

Searx is coming to replace the closed API.

Searx is a free search engine that combines results from other search engines, but does not store information about its users.

Anyone can create their own Searx instance. A complete list of them is available on the website . For our purposes, we will use Roughs Searx , since it does not limit the number of requests in any way and allows you to get search results even with the help of automated scripts.

API service address:

Both GET and POST requests are supported.

Request parameters

  • q(required)  The text of the query to get the results for.

  • format(required)  The format for outputting the results. Available formats: j son, csv, rss.

  • categories -  A comma separated list of search categories.

  • safesearch -  Safe search filter. 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled.

A complete list of parameters can be found on this page .

Examples of requests

Find news by request "Technologies" and display the result in RSS format: q = Technologies & format = rss & categories = news

Search for images by query "Mountains" with a safe search filter and display the results in json format: q = Mountains & format = json & categories = images & safesearch = 1

Find a solution for "2 + 2 * 2" using WolframAlpha and get the answer in CSV table format:*2&engines=wolframalpha&format=csv

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