PVS-Studio enters the battle with hardcoded passwords

PVS-Studio is a static analyzer that allows you to detect many problems hidden in the source code. They also include bugs related to application security. For example, the analyzer has recently learned how to detect the presence of confidential data in the code, such as passwords. This potential vulnerability is on the OWASP Top Ten list and is much more dangerous than it might seem at first glance. What is this danger, and how can a static analyzer protect you from it? Well, this article is written about this (and not only)!

PVS-Studio SAST , , C, C++, C# Java. ( ) " PVS-Studio 2021 ".

SAST , . C#- . 2.10.4 OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS):

Verify passwords, integrations with databases and third-party systems, seeds and internal secrets, and API keys are managed securely and not included in the source code or stored within source code repositories. Such storage SHOULD resist offline attacks. The use of a secure software key store (L1), hardware TPM, or an HSM (L3) is recommended for password storage.

, , OWASP Top Ten. Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) 2 , : CWE-798 CWE-259. – ?

– - , , . - : .

, . . , , , , . , .

, , . , . . , . . . – , , brute force . , .

: , / , . , . , , .

, , , , , . , , , , - – , . . Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) , . , , .

, , , : CVE . – CVE-2012-5862. , CVE, "login.php", :

$password = mysql_escape_string($_POST['password']);

if (crypt($password,salt)=='satIZufhIrUfk'){
  $sql_pthr_ = "SELECT user,password FROM account WHERE livello = 0";

if ($password=='astridservice' and $stilecustumization=='astrid'){ // <=

if (crypt($password,salt)=='saF8bay.tvfOk'){
  $sql_insert="INSERT INTO account(user,password,livello,nome) VALUES  
               ('sinapsi','sinapsi','0','Amministratore Sinapsi')";


, , , . , , .

C#- PVS-Studio V5601. , C#-, :

string password = request.GetPostValue("password");
if (password == "astridservice" && stilecustomization == "astrid") 


, PVS-Studio :

V5601 Suspicious string literal could be a password: 'astridservice'. Storing credentials inside source code can lead to security issues.

, . , .

. , V5601 OWASP. PVS-Studio 7.12. OWASP- , , , , Visual Studio Rider .

– : . CVE-, . :

  • CVE-2004-1920 – super- super-;

  • CVE-2004-2556 – super- () -super- "5777364";

  • CVE-2004-2557 – "" CVE-2004-2556 ( , super);

  • CVE-2012-1288 – ;

  • CVE-2012-2949 – Android

  • . .

, – ( ). . , , , , . , .

pull request'. . , , . , . , pull request', (. " CI").

: , CI. - , . V5601, , .

, , . open-source – , , . , . , , - ? . , . , , "" , .

PVS-Studio : , , . , . V5601 – , , .

, PVS-Studio ? , . , , !

, : Nikita Lipilin. PVS-Studio Clashes with Hardcoded Passwords.

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