Artificial Gravity Orbital Station: Will the Future Come in 2025?

Visualization of the Voyager orbital station.  Source: Orbital Assembly Corporation
Visualization of the Voyager orbital station. Source: Orbital Assembly Corporation

In January 2021, the Orbital Assembly Corporation (OAC) announced its ambitious project to create the first commercial artificial gravity orbital station, Voyager. Construction will begin in 2025 and approximately in 5 years the station should receive the first tourists.

about the project

Voyager 200 . . , . 20 .

Orbital Assembly Corporation – . , : Voyager  24 . , . , . – 400 .

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29 OAC , 61 . , : . , Voyager.

. , OAC , 25 . 4 ., – 1 . . – .

– . - Falcon 9, 1 2000$. Starship, . Voyager, 2500 , – 5 . 500 . ( 1 Starship 200$).

, , , , . . Voyager « », , , , . – 250 000 – .


The Voyager station design looks beautiful and ambitious. The creators have about 9 more years to implement it. The idea that very soon a ship will appear in orbit, where any “conventional” person can go, is inevitably mesmerizing. But if you delve into the financial calculations and take into account the unrealized space projects, the prospect no longer becomes so bright. Believing in the possibility of creating a Voyager station in the next decade is everyone's personal business, and time will put everything in its place.

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