Survey: what motivates experts to create content, and what prevents them from doing it

I was thinking about the dichotomy of the content production market.

On the one hand, there are a lot of experts who need to write, either explicitly or not. The same Habr shows it well. Insights that lie on the surface: the ability to create texts and work with them expands the list of skills, increases the value of a specialist in the labor market and can become a source of additional income.

On the other hand, there are very few authors on technological topics, and creating and working with texts is a difficult and caustic craft. Therefore, a motive arose - to determine the reason why the experts do not write, to find out what is hindering them, what is holding back. And from those who write - learn how they stimulated themselves and how they learned to work with texts.

If you are an expert who regularly creates professional texts or at least thinks about it, then I would like to ask you to spend a couple of minutes and fill out a short questionnaire - . All survey results will be summarized and sent to its participants.

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