JavaScript Dependencies: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know But Were Afraid To Ask

Your detailed guide to the five types of addiction

Hello, Khabrovites. For future students on the course "JavaScript Developer. Professional" prepared a translation of the material.

We also invite everyone to an open webinar on the topic
"Vue 3 - the capabilities of the new version of one of the most popular front-end frameworks . " In the lesson, the participants, together with an expert:

- Consider the key differences in the syntax of vue2 from vue3;

- will understand how to work with vue-router and VueX in the new version of the framework;

- create a Vue 3 project from scratch using Vue-cli.

Whether you're a back-end developer working with Node.js or a front-end developer using Node.js only as a packaging and bundling tool, you've probably stumbled upon a dependency system.

5 (, , 5 ), ? , , .

.       .       .

Normal (runtime) dependencies (c ( ) ) 

, ?

β€” , "dependencies" package.json

. ( ) (), NPM (node package manager ) (


, . :

  • . , (.. >1.2.0 ), (.. <=1.2.0 ), (.. >= , > , <) . ~ (.. "lodash":"~1.2.2, 1.2.2 1.3.0 , , ). "" , semver   (.. "lodash": "^1.2.0", , - ).

  • URL-. , URL, - (, Github tarball-).

  • . , . , , NPM. " " . , , , - file://



, , .

, , , , , . , React Babel, , , , , , ( , ).

, , , , , .

.       .       .

Peer dependencies ( )

Peer dependencies β€” , , , , , , . , .

, , ? , , Babel, Babel , , , , Babel -.

, , Babel , , , Babel. , , NPM, , β€” Babel -, .

Peer dependencies?

Peer dependencies , , , , .


  • , . peer dependency.

  • , . peer dependency.

, peerDependencies, :

  • Babel . , Babel, (peer dependency).

  • Express middleware packages (- ): NPM, peer dependencies. Express   , , (middleware) .

  • Micro Frontend (), , ( ), . Peer dependencies .

  • Bit components. front-end , , React- Bit (Github), react peer dependency. , .

, React , : , ( , ).

component, Bit’s component hub.

, , package.json, peer dependencies:

, , , React-.

(1KB) β€” .

.       .       .

Dev Dependencies (Dev )

, ? , , , , ? .

(Development dependencies) , , .

, , , (linting tools), .

, , dev dependency.

, npm install

  npm link


, , . , dev dependencies.

dev dependencies?

, , , dev dependencies ( ).

, , -.  

- dev- , , npm install

-, dev- .

Dev , .

.       .       .

(Bundled Dependencies)

, . npm pack

, (tarball-).

, bundledDependencies

( : bundleDependencies

, ), .

   "dependencies": {
    "lodash": "1.0.2",
    "request": "4.0.1"
  "bundledDependencies": ["lodash"]


, , npm pack


, lodash


(, URL ).

.       .       .

(Optional dependencies)

, , , . ? NPM , , .

, npm install

- ( - , , - ), .

NPM . , , , :

let foo = null;
try {
  foo = require("foo-dep");
} catch (e) {
  foo = require("./local-polyfill")
//... use foo from here on out

(optional dependencies)?

β€” . , ? . , , , , , .

, (optional dependencies). , , , CI(Continuous Integration)-. , , , , .

npm install

, , npm install --no-optional

, . , .

.       .       .

, - NPM , dev-. 3, , .

, , .

, ? , , !

"JavaScript Developer. Professional".

Β«Vue 3 β€” Β».

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