We invite you to DINS SCALA EVENING: Cassandra4io, Calypso, Higher Kinded Data

At the meetup, Sergey Rublev from DINS will tell how he and his team wrote a lightweight library with typed queries in a doobie-like style. Akhtyam Sakaev from Square Meter will talk about Calypso, a Scala library for easy work with BSON. Oleg Nizhnikov from Tinkoff.ru will consider the Higher Kinded Data pattern. Participation is free, but you need to register

Detailed program and information about speakers - under the cut. 


19:00-19:40 โ€” Cassandra4io: doobie-like ( , DINS)

, Cassandra, . , shapeless. 

Junior Middle . 

โ€” DINS. 10 . Erlang Clojure, Scala. , e-commerce.

19:40-20:20 โ€” Calypso: Scala- BSON ( , ยซ ยป) 

Calypso โ€” BSON Scala. type-directed programming, . Calypso type class Scala BSON.

Scala. Calypso, cats refined.

โ€” ยซ ยป. .

20:20-21:10 โ€” HKD ( , Tinkoff.ru)

Higher Kinded Data. , HKD . Scala 3.

, Scala .

โ€” Tinkoff.ru. Scala, opensource- .

, . . 



DINS IT EVENING โ€” Java, DevOps, QA JS. , . , , โ€” itevening@dins.ru!

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