Memoization in compile time computations in C ++

C ++ programmers know well (hopefully!) That a variety of computations can be performed at compile time. If only these calculations were "clean", without side effects. This is done in templates and constexpr functions.

A pure expression means that no matter how many times we try to evaluate it, we will get the same result. Therefore, for reasons of efficiency, it is advisable to memorize the result so as not to do the same work a second time. But how well does the compiler do it?

For stress testing, let's take a naive Fibonacci formula:

f(n) = (n < 2) ? 1 : f(n-1) + f(n-2)

We are interested in it for several reasons:

  • recursion depth linearly depends on n

  • without memoization, it reduces to the summation of f (n) ones, and this, recall, is the exponent at the base of the golden ratio

  • with memoization - to memorize n values

How do I calculate this formula at compile time?

There are 3 techniques for this.

The first, well known for a long time (since C ++ 98): templates with integer parameters and constant members. (In ancient times, enums were used, then static constants appeared).

//     ,     
template<unsigned n> struct int_ { static constexpr unsigned value = n; };

template<unsigned n> struct f;

template<> struct f<0> : int_<1> {};
template<> struct f<1> : int_<1> {};
template<unsigned n> struct f : int_< f<n-1>::value + f<n-2>::value > {};

template<unsigned n> constexpr unsigned F = f<n>::value;

(we will use unsigned, because we do not need the actual values โ€‹โ€‹of the numbers for experiments, and we do not want to run into an integer overflow).

The second technique became available in C ++ 11: constexpr functions.

constexpr unsigned f(unsigned n) {
  return n < 2 ? f(n-1) + f(n-2);

template<unsigned n> constexpr unsigned F = f(n);

, . : . , , ( ).

constexpr unsigned f(unsigned n) {
  unsigned a = 1, b = 1;
  for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
    unsigned c = a + b;
    a = b; b = c;
  return b;


โ€” , โ€” expression template. , . , , expression template (, ). .

//   ,  
template<unsigned n> struct int_ { static constexpr unsigned value = n; };

//    expression template,     :
template<unsigned x, unsigned y> auto operator + (int_<x>, int_<y>) {
  return int_<x+y>{};

template<unsigned n> auto f(int_<n> /*arg*/) {
  if constexpr (n < 2) {
    return int_<1>{};
  } else {
    //    (expression template !)
    return f(int_<n-1>{}) + f(int_<n-2>{});
    //   - ,       ,
    //      :
    return decltype( f(int_<n-1>{}) + f(int_<n-2>{}) ){};
    //  :
    using t1 = decltype(f(int_<n-1>{}));
    using t2 = decltype(f(int_<n-2>{}));
    return int_<t1::value + t2::value>{};

template<unsigned n> constexpr unsigned F = decltype(f(int_<n>{}))::value;

, : / , if constexpr

, C++17. . ( : , ; , , ).

: constexpr. .

, , .

(instantiate) n, n-1 n-2, , , n-2 n-3, 1 0, 2 1 ( ), 3 2 ( ), . , .

, โ€” .

gcc -ftemplate-depth

900, clang -ftemplate-backtrace-limit

โ€” 1024.

โ€” . ? , : . expression template .

, constexpr . , : gcc -fconxtexpr-depth

, clang โ€” -fconstexpr-backtrace-limit

, 512.

, .

gcc 9.3 ! F<512>


  , .

, 10.1, gcc . -fconstexpr-ops-limit

, 33554432.




 โ€” ? -? , .

template<unsigned n> struct f;
template<unsigned n> struct g;

template<> struct f<0> : int_<1> {};
template<> struct f<1> : int_<1> {};
template<unsigned n> struct f : int_< f<n-1>::value + f<n-2>::value > {};

template<> struct g<0> : int_<1> {};
template<> struct g<1> : int_<1> {};
template<unsigned n> struct g : int_< g<n-2>::value + g<n-1>::value > {};

template<unsigned n> constexpr unsigned F = f<n>::value;
template<unsigned n> constexpr unsigned G = g<n>::value;

1, โ€” 2. , , , .

expression template.



  • gcc 10.1

  • clang 11.0.0 โ€” expression template

  • clang 9.0.0 โ€” expression template, , : -

  • gcc 9.3 โ€” !


gcc 9.3

gcc 10.1

clang 11.0.0

class template










expression template





















#include <iostream>

template<unsigned n> struct int_ { static constexpr unsigned value = n; };

template<unsigned x, unsigned y> auto operator + (int_<x>, int_<y>) {
  return int_<x+y>{};

namespace CT {  // class template

template<unsigned n> struct f;
template<> struct f<0> : int_<1> {};
template<> struct f<1> : int_<1> {};
template<unsigned n> struct f : int_<f<n-1>::value + f<n-2>::value> {};

template<unsigned n> struct g;
template<> struct g<0> : int_<1> {};
template<> struct g<1> : int_<1> {};
template<unsigned n> struct g : int_<g<n-2>::value + g<n-1>::value> {};

template<unsigned n> constexpr unsigned F = f<n>::value;
template<unsigned n> constexpr unsigned G = g<n>::value;

}  // namespace CT

namespace ET {  // expression template

template<unsigned n> auto f(int_<n>) {
  if constexpr (n < 2) {
    return int_<1>{};
  } else {
    return f(int_<n-1>{}) + f(int_<n-2>{});

template<unsigned n> auto g(int_<n>) {
  if constexpr (n < 2) {
    return int_<1>{};
  } else {
    return g(int_<n-2>{}) + g(int_<n-1>{});

template<unsigned n> constexpr unsigned F = decltype(f(int_<n>{}))::value;
template<unsigned n> constexpr unsigned G = decltype(g(int_<n>{}))::value;

}  // namespace ET

namespace CE {  // constexpr

constexpr unsigned f(unsigned n) {
  return n < 2 ? 1 : f(n-1) + f(n-2);

constexpr unsigned g(unsigned n) {
  return n < 2 ? 1 : g(n-2) + g(n-1);

template<unsigned n> constexpr unsigned F = f(n);
template<unsigned n> constexpr unsigned G = g(n);

}  // namespace CE

int main() {
  std::cout << CT::F<899> << std::endl;
  std::cout << CT::G<1798> << std::endl;

  std::cout << ET::F<899> << std::endl;
  std::cout << ET::G<1796> << std::endl;

  std::cout << CE::F<35> << std::endl;
  std::cout << CE::G<35> << std::endl;



. , , constexpr' โ€” -, , . , , .

. , .

" "

โ€” , , , โ€” , constexpr-, ... .

Function that counts the number of operations to calculate the Fibonacci number

f(n, t) = n < 2 ? t+1 : f(n-1, f(n-2, t))
f(n) = f(n, 0)

The expression templates will look like this.

template<unsigned n, unsigned t>
auto f(int_<n>, int_<t>) {
  if constexpr (n < 2) {
    return int_<t+1>{};
  } else {
    return f(int_<n-1>{}, f(int_<n-2>{}, int_<t>{}));

int main() {
  std::cout << decltype(f(int_<30>{}, int_<0>{}))::value << std::endl;

For 26 - clang worked for about half a minute. For 30, he gobbled up more than 8 gigabytes of memory and drove my laptop into a swap, after which the experiment had to be stopped.

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