How does Apache Kafka support 200K partitions in a cluster?

In Kafka, a topic can contain many partitions between which posts are distributed. Partitions are units of concurrency. In general, the more partitions, the higher the throughput. However, there are some factors to consider when there are many partitions in the Kafka cluster. , Apache Kafka, 1.1.0, , Kafka .

, . -, . , . -, , . .

Kafka , . . (1) SIG_TERM . (2) , , . (3) ZooKeeper. (4) . (5) , , , . , . 1. , (4) (5) .

. 1. (1) 1; (2) 1 0; (3) ZooKeeper; (4) 2; (5) 1.

Kafka 1.1.0 . , ZooKeeper . . -, ZooKeeper , . -, , .

Kafka 1.1.0 . -, ZooKeeper API. , , , , ZooKeeper, . Kafka ZooKeeper . -, . .

. , Kafka . ZooKeeper. , , ZooKeeper, . . 1.1.0 Kafka API ZooKeeper. 1.1.0 API .

. ZooKeeper .

Kafka . 25 000 , , 50 000 . 10 000 . , . .

Kafka 1.0.0 Kafka 1.1.0
6,5 3

, . , 6,5 30 . API ZooKeeper 3 . , Kafka.

Kafka, , 2 000 , 50 . 100 000 . 100% ( 28 Kafka 1.0.0 14 Kafka 1.1.0).

, Kafka? , ZooKeeper, .. 4 000 200 000 . , , . , , , , .

KAFKA-5642 KAFKA-5027.

: Apache Kafka. — Stripe. . — 2021. .

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