Biscuit-store - another look at state-management in JavaScript applications

Greetings ladies and gentlemen! In this article, I will introduce the Biscuit-store JavaScript library.


Biscuit is a multifunctional, flexible, modular tool for creating and conveniently working with managed state containers in JavaScript applications.

The main objectives of the article

  • Tell about the biscuit-store and its goals;

  • Comparison with other similar tools;

  • Give a brief overview of the functionality.

Here I will not dive under the hood, but will only give a brief overview.

Pros of the biscuit-store

  • Striving for simplicity of execution;

  • React;

  • ;

  • ;

  • Middleware;

  • ;

  • ;

  • ;

  • .

  • core โ€“ 18Kb, Gzip: 6.2 ( CommonJs);

  • react โ€“ 6.8, Gzip: 2.0;

  • adapter โ€“ 9.6, Gzip: 3.5 ( CommonJs);

  • :

    • Internet-explorer 11+;

    • Chrome 48+;

    • Opera 25+;

    • Mozilla firefox 40+;

    • Safari 9+.

  • TypeScript.


, JavaScript state-management, : redux mobx.


, 2kB js . redux . C redux . .

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GitHub , . , , -, . , โ€ฆ - , . Redux-utils , .


, 2015, , . 2021 JavaScript. , middleware, redux-saga redux-thunk. : .

Redux โ€ฆ . - -, - reselect, reducers switch โ€“ - redux-actions. .

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biscuit-store - redux mobx. , . , .

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  1. ;

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redux, , . , Biscuit-store .

import { createStore } from '@biscuit-store/core';

export const { store, actions } = createStore({
  name: 'duck',
  initial: { value: '' },

. . , .

, , .

import { createStore } from '@biscuit-store/core';
import { adapter } from './adapter';

export const { store, actions } = createStore({
  name: 'duck',
  initial: { value: '' },
  actions: {
    duckSwim: 'duck/swim',
    duckFly: 'duck/fly',
    duckQuack: 'duck/quack',
  middleware: [adapter]

actions , -, , . .

import { createAdapter } from '@biscuit-store/adapter';
const { action, connect } = createAdapter();

action('duck/swim', () => {
    return { value: 'duck flews' };

action('duck/fly', () => {
    return { value: 'duck flews' };

action('duck/quack', (payload, state, { send }) => {
    // This is an asynchronous way of transmitting the payload
    send({ value: 'duck quacks' });

export const adapter = connect;

Adapter is a middleware module that allows you to tie logic to states.

Our duck is ready to go to the big world.

Let's check what she is capable of.

import { actions, store } from './store/duck'
const { duckQuack } = actions;

store.subscribe((state) => {
    console.log(state.value); // 'duck quacks'


You can also do it like this:

import { actions } from './store/duck'
const { duckQuack } = actions;

duckQuack.dispatch().after((current) => {
  console.log(current); // 'duck quacks'

And this is how it will look in React .

import { observer, useDispatch } from '@biscuit-store/react';
import { actions } from './store/duck';
const { duckQuack } = actions;

export default observer(
  ({ value }) => {
    const [setQuack] = useDispatch(duckQuack);

    return (
      <div className='DuckWrapper'>
        <p>action: {value}</p>
        <button onClick={setQuack}>Duck quacks</button>


Here's a small demo .

That's all, thanks for your attention!

Project website

Biscuit-store is young and needs support

Biscuit is still very young and in beta testing.

If you like this library, please help it grow as an asterisk on GitHub '

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