Why You Can Do Without Babel

For future students of the course "JavaScript Developer. Basic" we have prepared a translation of the material.

We also invite everyone to the open webinar
"Code as a Project - Setting Up an Environment for JavaScript Development". At the webinar, the participants, together with an expert, will review the main tools that help to make the code better and cleaner - prettier, eslint, husky.

These days, front-end developers still spend a lot of time over-preparing and tweaking software. Babel is perceived by some as a necessity, but I intend to show you that it is not.

After reading this article, you will understand:

  • how to figure out which browsers really require additional support on a case-by-case basis.

  • Visual Studio Code, Babel.

  • , .

Babel ?

Babel β€” , JavaScript . , JSX, .

API ECMAScript. . : ? .

, , . (Transpiling β€” : transforming β€” compiling β€” ) . . ().

(transpiling) (polyfilling)

(Transpiling) β€” , , , .



// the new syntax `let` was added in ECMAScript 2015 aka ES6
let x = 11;

// `let` transpiles to the old syntax `var` if your transpiler target was ES5
var x = 11;

(Polyfilling) β€” , API .

. , (polyfill) isNaN


// check if the method `isNaN` exists on the standard built-in `Number` object
if (!Number.isNaN) {
  // if not we add our own version of the native method newer browsers provide
  Number.isNaN = function isNaN(x) {
    return x !== x;


, , . , , .


, , , . , .

β€” , . Internet Explorer, -.

, . , . Microsoft Edge, , , V8, Chrome, .

, , .

1. ?

- , , . , . JavaScript- , , .

, , . . , , IE11 (Internet Explorer 11), web-literate ( ) .

, . , , ?

, . , , , ?

2. ?

API (Application Programming Interfaces) , . .

ES5 (ECMAScript) XMLHttpRequest()

, Babel, - .

3. ?

Can I use ( ), . , , , Browserlist ( ).

β„– 2: eslint-plugin-compat

(transpiling) , - , . , :

  • (transpilers). .

  • , , (polyfill). 

, , .

, , Babel . .

, (transpiled).

(transportation) console.assert

( ), , , . eslint-plugin-compat

, linting (Linting β€” , linter, , , , , ).


// test nullish coalescing - return right side when left side null or undefined
const x = null ?? "default string";
console.assert(x === "default string");

const y = 0 ?? 42;
console.assert(y === 0);

// test optional chaining - return undefined on non existent property or method
const adventurer = {
  name: "Alice",
  cat: {
    name: "Dinah",

const dogName = adventurer.dog?.name;
console.assert(dogName === undefined);

console.assert(adventurer.someNonExistentMethod?.() === undefined);

// use browser API fetch, to check linting
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((json) => console.log(json));

eslint env eslint-plugin-compat


eslint (Eslint – , JavaScript) . env



API eslint-plugin-compat

. Browserlist , Babel.

eslint-plugin-compat repo. browserlist defaults

. , .


Browserlist  , , .

, defaults browserlist


 β€” :

  • > 0,5 ( , )

  • ( " (not dead)" ) 

  • Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release)

  • β€œ (not dead)”  ( 24 ).

GitHub, , .

eslint-plugin-compat Visual Studio Code


npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-plugin-compat



"browserslist": [



  "extends": ["plugin:compat/recommended"],
  "env": {
    "browser": true,
    "es2020": true

, VS Code ESLint.

API , browserlist


, linting

. , ECMAScript , env .eslintrc.json


, eslint-plugin-compat

, .

IE 11


β€” API fetch()





nullish coalescing

, Es2020.

β„– 3: Babel

, , Babel.

Babel (transpile) (polyfill)

- .

mkdir babel-test
cd babel-test
npm init -y
mkdir src dist
npm install --save-dev @babel/core @babel/cli @babel/preset-env
npm install --save @babel/polyfill



"browserslist": "defaults",



, .

npx babel src --out-dir dist --presets=@babel/env

, , , .

node dist/test.js

, , fetch is not defined

, Node.js fetch()

(transpiled) . .

"use strict";

var _ref, _, _adventurer$dog, _adventurer$someNonEx;

// test nullish coalescing - return right side when left side null or undefined
var x = (_ref = null) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : "default string";
console.assert(x === "default string");
var y = (_ = 0) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : 42;
console.assert(y === 0); // test optional chaining - return undefined on non existent property or method

var adventurer = {
  name: "Alice",
  cat: {
    name: "Dinah",
var dogName =
  (_adventurer$dog = adventurer.dog) === null || _adventurer$dog === void 0
    ? void 0
    : _adventurer$dog.name;
console.assert(dogName === undefined);
  ((_adventurer$someNonEx = adventurer.someNonExistentMethod) === null ||
  _adventurer$someNonEx === void 0
    ? void 0
    : _adventurer$someNonEx.call(adventurer)) === undefined,
); // use browser API fetch, to check linting

  .then(function (response) {
    return response.json();
  .then(function (json) {
    return console.log(json);



  • .

  • Babel 36.8k GitHub .


  • (dependencies), (dev-dependencies). ( 269 )

  • 39 , du -sh

  • 5728 , find . - f | wc -l

swc (transpile) (polyfill)

Swc β€” Babel. Rust 20 . , , .


mkdir swc-test
cd swc-test
npm init -y
mkdir src dist
npm install --save-dev @swc/cli @swc/core browserslist



"browserslist": "defaults",



  "env": {
    "coreJs": 3
  "jsc": {
    "parser": {
      "syntax": "ecmascript"


, (transpile).

npx swc src -d dist

, , .

node dist/test.js

swc-transpiled ()  , :

var ref, ref1;
var ref2;
// test nullish coalescing - return right side when left side null or undefined
var x = (ref2 = null) !== null && ref2 !== void 0 ? ref2 : "default string";
console.assert(x === "default string");
var ref3;
var y = (ref3 = 0) !== null && ref3 !== void 0 ? ref3 : 42;
console.assert(y === 0);
// test optional chaining - return undefined on non existent property or method
var adventurer = {
  name: "Alice",
  cat: {
    name: "Dinah",
var dogName =
  (ref = adventurer.dog) === null || ref === void 0 ? void 0 : ref.name;
console.assert(dogName === undefined);
  ((ref1 = adventurer.someNonExistentMethod) === null || ref1 === void 0
    ? void 0
    : ref1.call(ref1)) === undefined,
// use browser API fetch, to check linting
  .then(function (response) {
    return response.json();
  .then(function (json) {
    return console.log(json);



  • swc

  • ( 43 )


  • Babel

: Google Closure Compiler TypeScript

Google Closure Compiler , , , . , (transpile) (polyfill). , β€” , .

TypeScript (transpile) core-js (polyfill) , , , .

. , , .

linting, . , (transpilation).

, SWC , Babel, . Google Closure Compiler TypeScript, .

LogRocket: -

LogRocket β€” , , . , , , , LogRocket , , . , , Redux, Vuex @ngrx/store.

Redux, LogRocket , JavaScript, , / + , . DOM (Document Object Model) HTML CSS, .

"JavaScript Developer. Basic".

Β« β€” JavaScriptΒ».

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