Scaling product management, part 2: product

In the previous article , the main ideas of the correct scaling of product management in enterprise-level companies were summarized. Now is the time to consider each of the ideas separately. Today we will talk about what is a product in a complex solution consisting of many subsystems.

The easiest way to understand the product definition problem is to describe it with an example. Below you can see a set of systems, which is a kind of solution for the provision of an abstract service.

This is a very simplified and somewhat typical solution for providing services. In reality, the list of systems is much wider and numbers in dozens, while some of them may be outdated and must be replaced with new ones.

Different companies organize the development of such systems differently. In some companies, you can see development teams that are responsible for several components, in others, on the contrary, several teams can develop one component. However, more often than not, there is one development team per system. This is the classic and most common component teams approach.

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