Production Ready: How to Check Product Health

Today we will share the criteria that True Engineering teams use to ensure product quality when shipped to Prod.

What does β€œproduct ready” mean? Each developer may have a different answer to this question. And although in general the ideas may coincide, sooner or later any team will need to develop a certain language that will allow them to look at the product from the same positions and produce a stable result.

These unified views constitute the Production Read concept. When the team agrees on the requirements that the product must meet, it becomes easier for developers to work with. Everyone puts a single meaning in the concept of readiness, which means that the result does not change from developer to developer - there will be no such thing that someone did not start logging, because they thought that for some reason it was not necessary. The project manager has less headache - he knows in what condition the product will be received and what can be guaranteed to the customer.

Our set of Production Ready criteria has combined our own knowledge and best practices from the "outside world" of development. This point should be emphasized separately - it is not necessary to take someone else's experience as a carbon copy, your team may have their own style of work. The main thing is that it is effective and conforms to a single standard.

So how do we know our product is really Production Ready?

  1. It meets the requirements of the project. This clause first of all assumes that such requirements exist, they are formalized and documented. This includes customer requests, user requests, and the technical requirements of the environment. All team members know about these requirements and are guided by them during development.

  2. The product has a well thought out architecture. That is, it is not formed spontaneously. If the solution is designed in advance, its architecture takes into account possible risks and development prospects. This approach will allow the team to think over the fault tolerance of the product, determine in advance the technical means that will provide the required functionality, and check their compatibility. Otherwise, in the future, it may become clear that it is impossible to implement the desired feature without redoing the fundamental modules of the product. Other criteria depend on the architecture - we will come back to it more than once.

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Unified Production Ready Criteria will help you achieve the same result, regardless of who creates the product or who manages each specific project. We recommend adopting this method for everyone who wants to build simple, transparent and logical development rules for their team.

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