Suppression of satellite navigation on the Kremlin embankment is illegal

In order not to try to fit this rather long text into a comment, I created a separate article. I apologize in advance to the lawyers, I am a techie myself, but the frivolous comments on my article “A Silver Bullet for the Kremlin Demon” forced me to do something other than my own business and get into the laws. I am asking for an expert examination of my legal research.

I do this out of a desire to save my own time. I no longer have the strength to respond to the endless comments of the commentators. Need to work. This is the last word I am ready to say on the legality of the suppression of satellite navigation on the Kremlin embankment in Moscow. Now I will only listen, whether I am right or wrong.

I found the Federal Law of February 14, 2009 N 22-FZ "On navigation activities". You can easily find a link to its text. Here are some excerpts.

Article 1. Scope of this Federal Law

  1. This Federal Law establishes the legal basis for the implementation of navigation activities and is aimed at creating conditions for meeting the needs for navigation aids and services in the field of navigation activities.
  2. This Federal Law applies to relations arising in connection with the implementation of navigation activities and the provision of services in the field of navigation activities, including the creation of state navigation maps and navigation maps for highways, including for the purpose of ensuring the defense and security of the Russian Federation.

Comprehension of the first article shows that its sphere is, among other things, navigation on my smartphone or car navigator.

We skip the definitions, you yourself will open and read. But what do we not know there? Everything is clear, further.

Article 3. Subjects of legal relations in the field of navigation activities The

subjects of legal relations in the field of navigation activities are public authorities, local authorities, individuals and legal entities that ensure the creation and operation of navigation aids and objects of navigation activity, as well as individuals and legal entities that provide and receiving services in the field of navigation activities in accordance with civil law.

Article three shows that I, as an individual, and all of you, are subjects of legal relations in the field of navigation.

You can read articles from the fourth to the seventh, but, in my opinion, they do not apply to our conversation.

Articles eight and nine are the most important for us.

Article 8. Participation of individuals and legal entities in navigation activities

Individuals and legal entities can carry out navigation activities for their own needs and provide services in the field of navigation activities throughout the Russian Federation without limiting the accuracy of determining the coordinates of objects of navigation activities, with the exception ofterritories and facilities for which the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes a special mode of safe operation and the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 9. Conditions for the provision of navigation signals with open access

Navigational signals with open access are provided to the subjects of legal relations in the field of navigation activities free of charge and without restrictions .

Well what can I say, everything is clear. If a place is not on the list, then the law prohibits not only restricting my navigation, but even simply impairing its accuracy.

The above list was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 5, 2001 N 508 "On approval of the list of closed administrative-territorial entities and settlements located on their territories." As amended

on April 16, 2007, July 16, 2009, April 16, 2015, August 18, December 23, 2016, February 14, April 19, 2017, April 18, August 29, 2019. On February 16, 2021, the specified list contains:




Moscow is not on the list. I ask the specialists to point out to me the mistakes in this legal insinuation of mine.

I prepared all the material myself, not a single lawyer was hurt. Thank you in advance!

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