Extraction (rise) of oxygen from the Earth's atmosphere

This post was written in continuation of the post on "Extraction (lifting) of hydrogen from the atmosphere of Uranus" , and describes the next stage of delivery to low reference earth orbit (LEO) of the reactive mass, but first I would like to give an explanation of spacecraft maneuvering at the first stage.

The spacecraft assembling hydrogen (Hydrogen Collector) from the atmosphere of Uranus during its working cycle does not leave the vicinity of the planet, after it is fully charged with hydrogen, it slightly raises its orbit, but at the same time it is enough to go beyond the atmosphere and stop experiencing its resistance and meets there with the transport ship the Accelerator to which he transfers the collected hydrogen, and he himself goes to the next assembly cycle.

The booster structurally consists of a two-stage rocket with a TfNRD at each stage, while the hydrogen to be transported is not placed in separate payload containers, but in the first stage fuel tanks, the reason for which is explained below.

The first stage performs a phased acceleration in the planet's periapsis to speed +6.0/

and enters the highly elliptical orbit of the planet, where a meeting with a spacecraft intended for assembling terrestrial oxygen (Oxygen Collector) takes place, which has arrived in advance in the specified orbit to meet with the Spacer. The oxygen collector is docked with the second stage and filled with commercial hydrogen placed in the tanks of the first stage. After the completion of the process of refueling the Oxygen Scavenger, the fuel-commodity tank of the first stage is emptied and the first stage is separated and performs an aerial braking maneuver in the planet's atmosphere with the transition to a parking orbit to wait for the second stage.

The second stage accelerates the Oxygen Collector filled with commercial hydrogen up to speed +2.6/

, also in the pericenter of the planet, but in one stage. After reaching the required speed, the second stage separates from the Oxygen Collector and immediately begins a braking maneuver to return to the highly elliptical orbit of the planet, where, like the first stage, it performs an aerial braking maneuver in the planet's atmosphere.

Thus, the 32.2

Oxygen Collector filled with commercial hydrogen is sent on a summer flight, and spacecraft designed to operate in the atmosphere of Uranus do not leave the vicinity of the planet.

Years later 32.2

, the Oxygen Collector arrives in the vicinity of the Earth.


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The principal feature of the Atmospheric Oxygen Collector is the absence of nuclear power plants on board to avoid contamination of the earth's atmosphere.

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